Friday, September 18, 2009

Review: Letters to Darcy

Excuse me while I finish bawling my eyes out...

Esmé's mommy here, glad that everyone is out boating right now so no one has to witness the tears.

This is a true story. It started out as a blog and is now being published as a book by Tyndale. As I've mentioned before, it seems we're drawn to blogs that deal with tragedy. And for me, it's that desire for a happy ending that keeps me reading. So this book had me reading all the way in one sitting.

Tracy Ramos wrote Letters to Darcy as she celebrated her daughter's short life. Darcy, the youngest of seven children, was diagnosed with Trisomy 18 in utero. "Not compatible with life" is how some term her condition.

So Darcy's family made the moments count, both in utero and out. Darcy lived for 15 short days after birth, and during that time she celebrated birthdays, had her nails painted, got tattooed, swung with Mommy, rode the motorcycle with Daddy, had a bubble bath, and went to McDonald's and Burger King.

As blogs go, it is very personal and real. There are strong, God-given moments, and human, fragile moments.

This is an inspiring testimony to the value of human life, and to the importance of living each moment so it counts.

I still have tears, but there IS a happy ending to this story in the promise of eternal life. While we may not understand God's purpose, it's clear that Darcy was a special gift from Him, and her story will live on in the lives of those who knew her and those who read about her. Thanks to Tracy Ramos for sharing her story.

Look for this book coming out in November!

Thanks to Tyndale Media Center for the review ebook.


Gidget Girl Reading said...

that is exactly why i didn't want to review it how sad :(

Amy said...

Oh this is a sad story. I am glad she was able to tell it.