I wanted to tell you about camp meeting. We took a long road trip to Sedaven on Friday, where there is a Seventh-day Adventist camp meeting every Easter weekend, with tents and everything. It is south of Johannesburg and about 8 hours drive from Matola (or 12 hours if you are being a fussy baby). Here I am actually helping to take down camp.

It was really cool - figuratively and literally! I got to wear my warm clothes in the evenings.

I also got to walk and walk and walk and walk until I was tired of walking. Me, tired of walking? That's amazing!

And there were lots and lots and lots of people there. I like people.
I got to play with other kids and share my snacks with them. One boy let me try out his scooter bike. Another boy loaned me his matchbox car to play with - my first matchbox car! I like cars! And I chased another boy around and around the seats in the big auditorium. I did my skateboarding tricks on the terrace there, and one big boy (who borrowed the skateboard when I wasn't using it) was very impressed - he even tried out my method of knee on the board while pushing with the other foot.
Remember Mommy’s blog about older kids that are mean and parents that don’t intervene? Well, there was no problem with that here. Parents were intervening right and left and applying lots of corporal punishment. Interesting – wonder if that has to do with the South African Adventist environment.
I went to my own class on Sabbath and Sunday mornings. We got to play with musical instruments and sing songs and put felts on the board and color pictures. I really liked the “Read Your Bible, Pray Every Day, and You’ll Grow, Grow, Grow” song.
Daddy played volleyball on Sunday and I got to watch. His team won all the way to the finals, but in the middle of the final game of the finals, there was an electrical fire in the ceiling, and they couldn't play anymore. So even though his team was behind, he is not conceding defeat - a bit of a disappointing end to the tournament.
We ate most of our meals at the dining hall, but we went to the Spur one night. Here I am coloring there.

Oh, I forgot the best part. Ouma and Oupa were there! And now they’re with us here in Matola! They came for my birthday, which is next week. I’m gonna become a real big girl then.
Here I am on the drive back on Monday. It was a real long drive and there was lots of traffic going the opposite way because of the holiday weekend. We got through the border by 9:30 p.m., but there were tons of people heading to South Africa that were stuck there filling up the whole road on both sides, so we had a hard time getting past them on our way out the border.

Here’s a photo and video of the geese we fed on the drive back. Though I think I ate more bread than the geese did. I like bread!

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