And it's so fun seeing my buddy Mavinga's face as the model on the button! He loved posing for photos - I bet he'd be excited to know he's on websites all around the world!
Among people spreading the word, my Auntie Ann posted a note on facebook about Zimbabwe that we're sharing below. And by the way - leave a comment here telling her she needs to start her own blog! She currently works in Cambodia with a development and relief organization, and she always gives the coolest gifts, like Really Woolly stuff and crocheted angels from Cambodia and nesting dolls from her time in Russia. Those dolls are my absolute favorite toys right now!
Zimbabwe - although i never lived there, my parents did about 7 years and i made many trips there during that time. When i was working at ADRA International, it was a nice weekend stopover and i would visit inbetween trips to Rwanda, Ethiopia, etc.
The first time i went to Zimbabwe was when my sister Jane got married - my parents and i drove from Malawi, through Zimbabwe on down to Cape Town in South Africa. My memories include sleeping in the car at the boarder, flat tires, but also a giraffe stopping cars on the highway and friendly faces.
Several friends from Zimbabwe were working or volunteering in Russia as well when i lived there. When i first visited Zimbabwe from Russia it was like going to the US. Shopping malls abounded where i stocked up on food & supplies, business was booming. I was last there over 7 years ago and already the shops were looking bare. Now, it is hard to imagine what we hear on the news. Business is bad, but that isn't what matters so much as the kids. The babies, the children, the suffering ones. People suffering in silence.
My sister Jane has kidnapped her daughter Esme's blog for 14 days from February 1 to 14 to tell the world about Zimbabwe. To tell the world to wake up and love Zimbabwe, love the kids, pray. She is planning to do something personally as her family is moving to Zimbabwe shortly, to work in an orphanage. Her message is at http://www.moziesme.blogspot.com/ Hop on over and she will welcome you to Operation Love Zimbabwe!
And that's not all, for getting the word out, by reading or sharing with others, she has giveaways. Here are a few pictures, come and see more. Save a life. Pray.
Hand-Tied Fleece Blanket that Esme thinks is so soft with African monkeys it must be hers, but it's up for grabs. It could be yours if you comment on the post..

Who doesn't love a candle? The message Esme shares is to go light your world...

Esme's beating the message on her drums. Will you join her?

No problem, glad to help! I'd have put the button up without any contests. Very worthy cause, that's for sure!
I feel like I missed out on so much... being out of town... and unable to blog.
ps. I know I have learned a whole lot just reading your blog.
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