Friday, February 6, 2009

OLZ Drum Giveaway

Historically in Africa, drums have been used to relay messages from one village to the next. Zimbabwe has an urgent message to share with the rest of the world, as you can see by Eddie Cross's "What Zimbabwe Means to the World," posted here today.

And I've been pounding really hard on these drums - can you hear me? I LOVE keeping time with music.

Well, these aren't actually talking drums, but they ARE authentically African. And we're giving them away to two commenters on today's post!

To Enter: All you have to do is leave a comment on this post. Please make sure you include an email so I can contact you if you win.
You can get up to two extra entries if you (1) post about Operation Love Zimbabwe on your blog, and/or (2) put the Operation Love Zimbabwe button on your blogsite. Please leave a separate comment for each entry.
Entries must be made by 11:59 p.m. PST on February 14, 2009. The winner will be selected using and will be contacted by email.


Upstatemamma said...

I would love one of these!! We are in process to adopt a baby from Ethiopia and I would just love to have an African drum in the house.

Anonymous said...

These are awesome! I bet Z would like to bang on these too! :)

Scribbit said...

What a wonderful project--I know you already put it on my Message Board, I'll tweet it as well.

dani said...

those are great, esme!!! i bet your are a drummer extraordinaire:)

Anonymous said...

Ok, my post will be up in a couple of hours....

valerie2350 said...

these are beautiful!

Ronda's Rants said...

They are beautiful!

Amy Clary said...

My son would love one of these drums. We just started our adventures in homeschool and would love to use this for music and movement.
What a lovely giveaway.

Amy Clary said...

I put your button up on my sidebar. :)

danandmarsh said...

Oh I want one! My brother(when I was a youngster)was stationed in Ethopia in the late '60's and he brought back I remember some real neat stuff for my mom. These drums brought that memory back to me.

Carolyn G said...

I love these. Thanks

Hilary said...

How fitting.. drums as communication on a blog full of information. A lovely concept.

Anonymous said...

Love those beautiful drums. Tapping out a beat is a great reminder of how others are suffering over and over all over the world.

Anonymous said...

I added a post on my site about the operation. good luck to you all!

sheila said...

Oh! I also added the button.

newwine said...

I am so happy to find your blog and to find that you are sharing about Eddie Cross's reports! I have been sharing via Facebook and Plurk. I have family members in the UK who used to live in Zim (and a number of other South African countries) - visited them last year. I have been praying for Zimbabwe & follow Eddie's reports...
God bless you! Thanks!

Anonymous said...

I love to win this set of drums. They're beautiful!

moushka said...

What a great drum and an even better message to get out to the world.

Anonymous said...

I've already put your Operation Love Zimbabwe button on my BLOG

Anonymous said...

I've posted about this giveaway on my BLOG

Anonymous said...

Thanks for another terrific give-away. I've added the Operation Love Zimbabwe button to my website at

sharon at floft dot net

Anonymous said...

Our friend Dani sent me here. Bless you!


silverhartgirl said...

These are beautiful.

Anonymous said...

Oh these are awesome!

ecky said...

my daughter is all about musical instruments and these would be perfect to add to her collection.

elkesten at yahoo dot com

Kathleen said...

I love african drums!

Please enter me

callista83 AT cogeco DOT ca

Kathleen said...

I added your button

callista83 AT cogeco DOT ca

Kathleen said...

I posted about OLZ.

callista83 AT cogeco DOT ca

Anonymous said...

I blogged about OLZ.

Believer said...

Please count me in for the giveaway. Thanks!

My profile is private, but the email still shows. ;)


Please add my name to your drawing. :o)


I've added a link to your drawing on the Current Giveaways link on my sidebar:

Pamela said...

Oh how I want one of those drums.
(I am not coveting - I just know a great give away when I see one)

Danielle said...

Love this giveaway!

danandmarsh said...

The Operation Love Zimbabwe button is on my blog:
Giveaway City

danandmarsh said...

Posted about this giveaway here:
OLZ Drum Giveaway

judybrittle said...

What a fantastic giveaway! I just love it!

susan said...

Thank you for the unique giveaway. My son would love these!

Lady Christie said...

Those are beautiful


Anonymous said...

Those are really cool.

Lori said...

The picture from Operation Love Zimbabwe post makes me want to cry. I am going to try to figure out how to post your button.


Lori said...

Ok, I figured the button out. I think the only people who read my blog are family, but hopefully that can help spread the word!


Quiskaeya said...

Beautiful drums! They remind me so much of the drums made in Haiti. I would love to win them.

Angie said...

my husband would love these!~

Angie said...

I have your button

Jennifer said...

The drums are beautiful and I was very pleased to stumble across a blog spreading awareness and hope. Thank you!

knittingmomof3 (AT) gmail (DOT) com

Jennifer said...

I most certainly did blog about this wonderful cause!

knittingmomof3 (AT) gmail (DOT) com

Jennifer said...

The button is on the right side of my blog:

knittingmomof3 (AT) gmail (DOT) com

Superdumb Supervillain said...

I don't know if the husband or the kids would love those more!

annies home said...

would love to have these drums they would look good with some other items in my decor

annies home said...

I added the button to my blog

annies home said...

blogged about the operation love

Carrie said...

These are so cool. I would love to win. I will add your button to my blog.

Anonymous said...

Awesome! I am in love with what you are doing here.

onlycancan ta hotmail dot com

Anonymous said...

I have your button up on my blog.

onlycancan ta hotmail dot com

Anonymous said...

I would love one of these drums! What a great way to teach the grand-kids about other cultures then through music which they all love.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

button (2)

Unknown said...

these are so awesome!

Wehaf said...

This is a truly amazing giveaway; thank you!

urchiken at gmail dot com

Country Mouse, City Mouse said...

Those would be very loved in our home

Andrea said...

Those drums look awesome!

Lynda said...

The drums are spectacular!

Anonymous said...

This is a wonderful giveaway. Please enter me.

Anonymous said...

What a lovely opportunity. These are gorgeous drums! Thanks for the chance to win!

makeetis said...

I would be very happy if I was one of the lucky ones to win this. I just can't get over how beautiful they are. brewerchickey78(at)

Unknown said...

Wow! What amazing drums!

kissyjensen at gmail dot com

Kristi said...

My son is so musical, that something like this would be amazing for him.

Jennifer said...

Those are so cool! I would love to win!

Rachel Ann said...

These are wonderful.

One of my good friends is native Zim...lived in US for awhile but has been back home in Zim the last few years. I know how hard life is there right now...all of Zim is in my prayers!

MBB Founder and Editor Denene Millner said...

Oh my--those are FANTASTIC drums. Simply lovely. I can be reached via my blog... fingers crossed!

ikkinlala said...

I'd love a chance to win one of these!

ikkinlala AT yahoo DOT ca

Stephanie said...

It would be so awesome to win these drums! I love the sound of drumming!

Have a Wonderful Night!

stephanie_nature (at) yahoo (dot) com

windycindy said...

What a delightful giveaway prize contest! How wonderful to win an authentic African Drum. It would be great to take one of these drums to our Sunday School classes and let them learn about and play it. Please enter me in your drawing. Many thanks, Cindi

Cindy B.of Montana said...

These are so beautiful. It would be great to have one to play with our grandsons. Thanks.

jenny said...

wow this is so neet and well if i won this i think i give it to my little ones dad he loves drums please enter me infor your giveawauy thanks

jenny said...

wow this is so neet and well if i won this i think i give it to my little ones dad he loves drums please enter me infor your giveawauy thanks

Mom of two daughters said...

I just love these drums.My oldest daughter is in a marching band at her high school and we LOVE music. My youngest daughter who is 10 suffers from seizures and she wants to play the drums or any instrument she can. She would just love these.
God Bless,
Juanita Gray

Anonymous said...

DD loves to beat on drums. Her favorite thing is a drum circle when we can find one to participate.
scrappylori at gmail dot com

Crunchy Green Mom - Suzanne said...

Great drums.. we have a few here in the house, however some authentic ones would be lovely!


Anonymous said...

count me in please

plur268 at yahoo dot com

Anonymous said...

My son is a drummer and would really have a blast with these!

Anonymous said...

My daughter brought a little drum like this back from Ghana, it is beautiful sounds

Anonymous said...

I love playing the drums but don't have anything like these. I would love to play them, I bet they sound wonderful.

Anonymous said...

what a colourful set of drums; i would love to win these and your site has alot of interesting items too

Tamara B. said...

Those are so beautiful and I would love to win them. What a wonderful to display in the living room.

409cope said...

My son would love these drums! cardshark42(at)hotmail(dot)com

Stephanie's Blog said...

My boys would love this!

Anonymous said...

these drum are beautiful. i would love to display these in my

Shannon @ Lifelong Impressions said...

Cool drums!

Anonymous said...

What an awesome contest, i would love to win these

Anonymous said...

beautiful prizes. thanks you :)
theponyhalf @ hotmail . com

Mary A said...

These are great. My little guy would love to give one of these a try. Truly I would as well. Thanks for the giveaway.

Dani' said...

neat giveaway! the kids really want drums.

Katrin said...

Great giveaway!

Dani' said...

posted a special blog post here

lilaura5 said...

These are amazing, absolutely amazing. I would so love to have these gorgeous items in my home. They are perfect.

daysease said...

ooh, neato!!! I just linked you... sharing a smile and sending it your way...

Jeff and Mandee said...

These are just wonderful and beautiful! Thank you for the chance to win them.


Therese said...

My husband would love to play on these with our grandson

Jennifer said...

These would be fun for Charlotte to play with and then one day I can tell her the story of where they came from.

Jamie said...

These are reall cool. I would love to win these! Thanks!

Anonymous said...

Cool drum

Anonymous said...

My son and his performing troupe spotlight percussion instruments in their music, and include world music and dance in their repertoire. How he would love to introduce an authentic African drum into the act! Great giveaway - thank you.

Anonymous said...

Diversity and exposure to other cultures -- including the music of other cultures -- is a big deal in my house. This would be the perfect addition to our growing collection of world music and instruments. My daughter would love to have this beautiful African drum as her first drum ever.


Alice H said...

I'm a music teacher and I'm always talking about rhythm to my students - this would make an amazing example! Thanks for the chance! alicedemske at

Alice H said...

I'm a music teacher and I'm always talking about rhythm to my students - this would make an amazing example! Thanks for the chance! alicedemske at

Buki Family said...

my husband is from Africa. this would be SO cool to have a little bit of home in our home.

sabeckstrom at yahoo dot com

JeansandTs said...

These are great! I'm sure my husband would love to have these in the man-cave in the basement. He has a beautiful African theme in there.

EDRing said...

What a great prize. my son loves anykind of drum & would love this.


pynaplgrl said...

I was just in Zimbabwe at the beginning of the cholera epidemic. I will never forget the sound of drums which could be heard somewhere in the village from sunrise to sunset. I have never seen such beautiful smiles ... not dimmed by the godawful circumstances they have to endure.
I would love these drums to remind me...and the world must pay attention!!!

yyeres said...

wow! amazing! authentic African drums! thanks for the chance to win it! yyeres[at]gmail[dot]com

Natural Mama said...

These drums are lovely! I would love to have them to teach my daughter to drum on.
Is the contest open to Canadians? If so please enter me:)
Thank you

melissad.williams said...

Those are cool! I would love to win one!

Alexia said...

Awesome drum - I'd love to win!

Anonymous said...

Count me in. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

I would love to win these too. Thanks for the chance.

Janet said...

These are beautiful drums. Thanks.


Jacqueline in Atlanta said...

Very cool! I actually am a hand percussionist, so I would put those babies to good use.

Thanks for having the giveaway!

minishoes said...

Would love to win these drums and I would put these in my living room for everyone to see. thanks

MamaGames - Alexa C. said...

My kids would love this... and I'm sure they'd drum loudly enough that their grandfather could hear them in South Africa!

Lessa said...

Those are beautiful drums--I'd love to hear one! Thanks for the great giveaway!

cherise420 [at] yahoo [dot] com

Lo said...

My 13 month old loves to drum, so this would be an amazing item to give to him. Thanks.

Rhonda Martin said...

My son plays drums and has been since he was 10 yrs old. He if going to washington this spring to play for the president and he just can't seem to get enough of it. He plays a 7 piece drums set and also the Bass in the band and I know he would love to own these and would put them to good use and take care of them for many years to come. I would love to win these for him. Thanks for Sharing~!

Rhonda Martin said...

I added the Operation Love Zimbabwe button on my sidebar. I just love buttons~! :)

Anonymous said...

How lovely, love to try playing one

DEBIJOT said...

I would love to have these for my son. Thank you.

Maude Lynn said...


kelli at pfrog dot net

Anonymous said...

I love these drums, this would match my african jungle themed room, how awesome if I won. Thanks,

The Saunders Family said...

my MK friend from Burkina Faso loves to play drums, another one in his collection would make him excited...thanks for the work you do!
mom2maria at hotmail

Anonymous said...

What a great way to make some noise and annoy my kids!


Mommyhood is Thankless said...

My kids woould love this! As would I!


Anonymous said...

Drums are the heartbeat.... drummers feel the magic.

Along with the Sun, and the rain, stars and moon, water from heaven, the Earth's soil of plenty, and Nature's beauty, we need the drums.

Fortunate and blessed are those who can hear and look upon these treasures of art, symbols of life and souls.

Anonymous said...

Wow! I would love to win these for our College Chapel.

mireia said...

I want participate from Spain, and i post you in my giveaway blog (sorteos y concursos).
My email is in my profile of the blog.

jojoebi-designs said...

add me to the hat please and I blogged about you too!

Carolyn said...

I would love to give this to my Sister in law. She spent a year in Africa, volunteering at the Silesian missions orphanage in Rwanda.

Annmarie Weeks said...

I would love to win these. I know that my son would absolutely love them...he has shown a real interest in music and drums in particular!

ABCD Diaries said...

my los love making noise:) these would be awesome! thanks!

caseykelp said...

how awesome and a great way to bring part of another culture into the house. Thank you for the giveaway and sharing your trip with us along the way.

kmfhee said...

My son would love these! Great fun for him, and a great way for us to teach him more about the world

phxbne said...

What fun this would be!

Katie Paterson said...

So unique and fun!

jojoebi-designs said...

I just tweeted about this too!

Shirley said...

One of these would be awesome in our African themed bedroom.

Anonymous said...

This would look gorgeaous in my living room!

jonilee73 at yahoo dot com

Marcy Bock said...

Awesome! Would love to have these as a decoration item and a functional addition to music!

DeAnn S said...

The drums are beautiful and if I won them I would be honored to display them in my home. They would be used and cared for with the prayers and love.
Thank You for the chance to win these drums.

Colette S said...

This would be lovely collection for our music class here at home.

Jody said...

Oh, my family would love to have these. We have a Klong Yaw drum that is so hard to share. We would love to have another to help with our music making.

Leah said...

My ds would find such wildly delicious joy in these drums!!! So, would I! : )))

Thanks so much for this fabulous give~away! : )))


Brooke said...

These are beautiful!

Anonymous said...

I would like to win these drums, and add them to my collection of musical instruments that are for use not just looks.


Anonymous said...

I have your button too.

Kathy P said...


Gina said...

I'd love to win this, I collect a lot of African art and sculpture this would be great to add to it..


kerri69 said...

These would be great i am wanting to sign up for drumming classes and this would be awesome for inbetween classes

calgirl said...

I would to win a drum.

Charlene Kuser said...

I would love to win these drums.
I could take them to festivals
Thanks for the giveaway

Samantha P said...

these would be so awesome to win!

Rockin' Mama said...

Very cool!

jasonncaryn at yahoo dot com