Author: Anna M. Clark
Genre: Christian Life/Earth Care
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Entry deadline: May 10, 2010
Restrictions: Open internationally.
Publisher: Baker Books
Physical Description: 253-page paperback
List Price: $14.99
ISBN: 978-0801013348
For More Info/To Purchase:
What I Liked: This was a very organized book - first presenting the case for green, and then providing lots of practical ideas. Not surprising that they are practical, coming from the mom of preschoolers.
I appreciated the Christian perspective and the biblical mandate for caring for the earth.
This is somewhat more moderate than most environmental books I've seen (though not quite as moderate as I'd wish)! I've often felt that "environmentalists" have their priorities wrong - it seems world hunger and lack of clean water should rank higher on the list than they do. So I did appreciate the author's inclusion of such issues. (When kids are in dire need of clean water, I personally don't care what type of plastic the water bottle is made of, for instance, as long as they're getting the water!)
I also appreciated the emphasis on healthy living. As a vegetarian myself for health reasons, I found lots of good health advice that also has an impact on the earth.
What I Didn't Like: (Tongue in cheek here) - the "85 Ways to Save the Planet" label on the book started me off on the wrong foot. God's the only one who's going to save the planet!
I'm all for being environmentally friendly, as long as it makes sense... Somethings just rub me the wrong way, like the idea of driving 60mph. Seriously, every car has its own fuel-efficient sweet point, so don't point fingers at me driving 80mph in my aerodynamically-designed American-made little car... The recommendation should be to drive in your vehicle's ideal speed range, not to drive some specific speed! There are a few other recommendations I could take issue with, as well.
Also - as the book title might suggest - this is very much targeted towards Americans. This isn't a bad thing, just something to be aware of. Personally, I think the third world is where the real education needs to be focused at this time. It pains me to see forests being clear-cut with no reforestation happening, and to see litter clogging what should be pristine white beaches.
All that being said, I think this is a great book for getting some green ideas, as long as you approach the matter thoughtfully and logically.
Thanks to Save More Green blog tour for the review and giveaway copies of this book.
Publisher: Baker Books
Physical Description: 253-page paperback
List Price: $14.99
ISBN: 978-0801013348
For More Info/To Purchase:
Green is not about giving up. It's about gaining more money, time, opportunity, health, and well-being. Green, American Style proposes a uniquely American perspective that takes into account your values, our country's democratic and capitalistic history, and our ingrained resistance to reining in. More than a list of ways to reduce, reuse, and recycle, this book explores the green movement from the diverse perspectives of business, faith, and lifestyle, showing you the economic, physical, and spiritual benefits of sustainable living.About the Author:
Anna Clark is a mom of two preschoolers and president of EarthPeople, a global consulting firm helping clients with profitable green strategies. She began by asking herself the question, "Can one person really make a difference?" Today, she has an international base of clients implementing her ideas to improve the environment while making money in the "eco" economy.
And for Anna, going green starts at home, where she's drastically cut her family's utility bills; reduced grocery waste while eating healthier; discovered natural, non-toxic cleaning options; and found unexpected joy in activities as simple as helping her children plant trees and care for a garden. Anna's discovered that anyone can make a difference in caring for Creation, while saving money and keeping their family healthy--and she can't wait to show you how. Join her at to help lead the change.
What I Liked: This was a very organized book - first presenting the case for green, and then providing lots of practical ideas. Not surprising that they are practical, coming from the mom of preschoolers.
I appreciated the Christian perspective and the biblical mandate for caring for the earth.
This is somewhat more moderate than most environmental books I've seen (though not quite as moderate as I'd wish)! I've often felt that "environmentalists" have their priorities wrong - it seems world hunger and lack of clean water should rank higher on the list than they do. So I did appreciate the author's inclusion of such issues. (When kids are in dire need of clean water, I personally don't care what type of plastic the water bottle is made of, for instance, as long as they're getting the water!)
I also appreciated the emphasis on healthy living. As a vegetarian myself for health reasons, I found lots of good health advice that also has an impact on the earth.
What I Didn't Like: (Tongue in cheek here) - the "85 Ways to Save the Planet" label on the book started me off on the wrong foot. God's the only one who's going to save the planet!
I'm all for being environmentally friendly, as long as it makes sense... Somethings just rub me the wrong way, like the idea of driving 60mph. Seriously, every car has its own fuel-efficient sweet point, so don't point fingers at me driving 80mph in my aerodynamically-designed American-made little car... The recommendation should be to drive in your vehicle's ideal speed range, not to drive some specific speed! There are a few other recommendations I could take issue with, as well.
Also - as the book title might suggest - this is very much targeted towards Americans. This isn't a bad thing, just something to be aware of. Personally, I think the third world is where the real education needs to be focused at this time. It pains me to see forests being clear-cut with no reforestation happening, and to see litter clogging what should be pristine white beaches.
All that being said, I think this is a great book for getting some green ideas, as long as you approach the matter thoughtfully and logically.
Thanks to Save More Green blog tour for the review and giveaway copies of this book.
I would like to read this book.
lkish77123 at gmail dot com
I would like to read this book.
I'd love to have a chance to read this book!
This sounds like a great read!cardshark42(at)hotmail(dot)com
I am an email subscriber.cardshark42(at)hotmail(dot)com
Sounds like a very interesting read.
I'm always looking for more ways to be more green!
sksweeps (at) earthlink (dot) net
I think this book could really jump-start a lifestyle change!
Thank you for the giveaway :)
I do a lot of green things, but am always looking for new ideas that I can implement.
Please enter me.
ebeandebe at gmail dot com
I totally agree with you...God is the only one who can save the planet!!! :) But I am also in agreement with you that we should be earth friendly...but not to some crazy extremes! :) I would love to get a chance to read this though!
thecountryblossom AT hotmail DOT com
I am a blog follower!
thecountryblossom AT hotmail DOT com
i'd love this it would fit our family great and my weekly book review everyday is earthday
i follow
Sounds like a informative book from your review
i would love to read this book, i agree only God can save us!
I would like to be more green!
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