Just a reminder that Operation Love Zimbabwe is only FOUR days away!
The day-to-day adventures of an 10-year-old girl growing up in rural Oregon...
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Love the ceiling picture...that made me laugh.
I was going through some really old photos the other day, about 20 years old I guess, and found that I always had either a thumb or my knees in the bottom of all the pictures. It gave me a good chuckle. :)
How cute is that!
I love how her pointing finger sticks up, as if counting *lol* She has to start somewhere... :)
Here's to more pictures taken by her in the coming days!
Thanks for visiting my blog! Wow! Mozambique!
Cute, cute, cute!!!! Someday....I can see it all now....he'll have a Pulitzer prize photo published in National Geographic that will support HIM AND you!!!!
Happy Wordful Wednesday. My entry today is one part cats, and other goodie tidbits from an alphabet challenge. Won't you stop by and say hi?
Cute! She's obviously been taking photography lessons from my daughter LOL.
that is too cute. isn't it funny to see what they actually get a picture of
Lots of fun there, to be sure! She has lovely feet. These images remind me of when my daughter was that age and her feet were still so new!
Love it! Since I went digital I have a lot of pictures taken by my youngest. I think it's great to see their perspective on things. When my oldest was in middle school I sent the three year old to take pix of her on stage during a band concert. We got a great picture of chair legs, music stand bases and shoes! It went right in the 'band album'! Hope you're enjoying your day!
She is a natural!! IT is either 599 pics of the feet or 599 pics of the nostrils!!
You can never start too soon!
An Arkie's Musings
lol! love the feet. cute toes :)
oh i so so love babyfeet! love them! love pictures of them! what a cutiepie as always!
I LOVE it! Ali got her first camera for Christmas too. . . can't wait to see what she puts on it! Great idea for WW!
So cute... It's like looking at life through their eyes. I love seeing the pictures my girls take with the camera.
Esmé has the cute little chubby feet my kids had... love em.
Great pics Esmé!
oooh, a budding foot photographer! Brilliance, I can see it.
I just LOVE seeing the world through a childs lens! Sometimes they even get some really GREAT shots!
So awesome to let them have a camera young and be creative. Our daughter had a photo thing for feet too for a while hehe!
love the little toes
She got some GREAT little piggy pictures! :)
those are some pretty feet.
Hey, those are better than some of the pictures I've taken over the years!
She looks totally natural and all business with that camera!
Maybe she plans to chronicle her feet and toes over the years... she could make a scrapbook called "These Little Piggies".
Great photos! Good job baby!
You should start looking for a good school for photography- that little one has talent! And already a theme to her work!
LOL. Love all the toes.
I love how her 'lil finger is sticking up...ready to push that button down real fast and get the perfect shot, right? ;) Oh...great feet btw!
Esme is so cute! Fly has gotten into cameras too.
Fun feet!
When you pick a theme, you stick with it! Cute idea.
I've been seeing a lot of feet pictures on blogs lately but these are the cutest.
What a budding artist you have there! And she could take a thousand pictures of her feet - I love baby toes!
Esme....too cute!
These are great pics for a budding photog! Great job, Esme!
Already! A little photo nut in the making. Love it.
:--) Nell
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