Sunday, January 25, 2009

Countdown to Operation Love Zimbabwe

Hey folks!

In case you're getting a case of winter doldrums, here's a surefire fun thing to do: unravel your dental floss all over the house. And when that's done, pull out all the tissues from your Kleenex box. If you still have extra time, dump out the cat food and trail the toilet paper roll around the house, too. It is GREAT entertainment!

We are getting excited about Operation Love Zimbabwe, coming up February 1-14 right here on this site!

Here's the idea again: Two weeks of African-themed giveaways to attract readers to our site. And mixed in with the giveaway posts are informative posts that give you a glimpse of the real tragedies in Zimbabwe, as well as ideas on how you can make a difference in the lives of Zimbabweans.

We've got some great giveaways that I've been wanting to play with myself! And we've got some interesting posts in the works, too.

Only one week to go! So help us spread the word. Thanks to Summer at Summer's Nook, we have a button you can put on your site. And we'd love to have you post about the event on your blog as we get closer to the date, too.

<a href="" target="_blank"><img src=""/></a>
Thanks, folks!


Mamajil said...

I added the button and will mention your blog with a link to your site and the up coming events soon!
have a blessed week

Anonymous said...

Oh and Zander sure love to give your mommy and me a lot of cleaning to do!!!

I love the name and the picture....AWESOME! Can't wait til it all gets started! Tell your mommy thanks for putting so much work into this.

Debra Kaye said...

I will definitely put this button up! ((hugs)) to you Esme! Happy Son-Day to you!

Karen Mello Burton said...

Hey, thanks for commenting at my blog today. Have you been to Kenya, or do you do any work there? My son has been there over a year now serving a mission for our church. I think what you are doing is fantastic!

ShEiLa said...

I can't wait.

I had noticed your button on the side and wondered when it started. Thanks for the reminder.


Jen @ One Moms World said...

How exciting.... :). I put your button up!

Prasti said...

i'll be adding the button.

dental floss, tissues and cat does sound like fun!

Debbie said...

This is very exciting. I can't wait.

Debra Kaye said...


Hi sweet one. I'm going to post this for tomorrow's post! Operation Zimbabwe...Yay!

Blessings to you!

Anonymous said...

I so need to do this. I so need to go bed but so I will soooooo post this tomorrow! Did I tell you I am coming to Zambia this summer?!?! How far from you? How far? We will be in Lusaka.

3 Bay B Chicks said...

Two weeks of give-aways? That has got to be some type of record. How exciting, and with a wonderful theme to boot.

Very much looking forward to this!


April said...

I'm looking forward to it...I will be back!