Alas, I didn't get any air on my shots - just low rolling shots. I think I need to get another set of clubs so I can do some real chipping.

The day-to-day adventures of an 10-year-old girl growing up in rural Oregon...
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What a cutie. You all really get around the world! Our permanent home is in the Pacific NW too.
Quality sports equipment makes all the difference in the world when it comes to improving one's game. Have your Mom run, don't walk, to immediately, so that this egregious wrong may be corrected.
And while you are at it, take a quick look at your sidebar. We're following! We couldn't deny our addiction to your blog any longer. :)
Hi there! I have missed so much of your blog since I left "bloggy land" you're back in OR then? We live in OR (although on the other side of the state). Are you guys planning on staying here for a while?
I want to learn to golf so badly! Someday....
Practice makes perfect.
See you on the golf channel soon Esmé. Ü
since you're in the condo, it's probably better that you don't get any "air", esme:)
Very cool!
By the way - you're tagged!
A little Tiger Woods!
My ex husband is dying to get our 5 year old to play. Adorable shot, putt, I mean chip, I mean....
have a mentioned lately how gorgeous your little miss is?!
I see pro golfing in her future!
Watch out Tiger Woods, you are going to have some competition :). She is such a cutie.
way to go kiddo! she looks so focused.
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