There was
plenty to do during our "P" weeks. We even stretched it out over several weeks! Here are the "P" crafts and activities that worked for this now 19-month-old.
P Foods. There is so much here! I made my very own
pizza - I helped roll the dough, spread the sauce, and put on the toppings! By the time it was done, though, I wasn't very hungry. Must have been all that sampling while I was making it!

Mommy made
pancakes one night, and
pretzels another. I helped roll the pretzels. Actually, I just helped eat the dough and tear the pretzel rolls apart. But that is very helpful, right? (
Mommy's note: This was just regular bread dough, rolled out and dipped in a baking soda/water mix, then baked and drizzled with melted butter and sprinkled with whatever you want - cinnamon sugar, coarse salt, etc.)

We had
popcorn several times too. Boy, do I love that stuff! We got to hop as it
popped. But my favorite thing to make was
peanut butter crunch. I ate it while I was mixing it up, and then ate my bowl of it, and then ate from Grandpa's bowl, too.
(Mommy's note: This was actually supposed to be peanut butter balls, but we didn't have all the ingredients. She had a great time mixing it, though, and it was pretty tasty. Cornflakes, melted peanut butter and 2 melted miniature candy bars, a little powdered milk, and a lot of stirring!)
Puff Paint. Mommy gave me a few jars of puff paint, and I made some beautiful paintings! I used my amazing triple-brush technique to paint with 3 colors at the same time! I did drop one of the jars and spread glass everywhere, but no one was hurt. So I don't recommend putting the paint into glass baby food jars, even if they are for babies.

Then Mommy took one of my dried paintings and pasted it onto cardboard, cutting it into 4 pieces and making a
puzzle. I had fun tearing the puzzle apart after she showed me how to put it together - and that made a big mess with puff paint sprinkles all over the floor. Cool!
(Mommy's note: If you dry these hanging up, be prepared for a runny mess on the wall and floor, though it does result in pretty drips! I made the paint using equal parts of water, salt, and flour and then adding food coloring. 1/4 cup of each made MORE than enough for the project.)

Prints. We made all kinds of prints! First were
pink potato prints. It was a little tricky, but we finally got a couple of heart prints that turned out fairly well! Mommy cut the potato in half and then scraped out the design to print, but if you got too much paint on the potato, you couldn't see the design.

Then since we still had extra pink paint, we did
pink pinion gear prints. You can thank Daddy for the inspiration!

Then there were our famous
pretty plumeria prints. I dipped the plumeria flowers into paint and stamped them all over my paper. And on Friday you saw the amazing
plumeria pinion gear bouquet that we put together when I was done.

We made some
purple penny polka dot prints, too. This wasn't as much fun as the other prints, since it was hard to pick up the pennies off the paper after we stamped them down. But I loved carrying those pennies around afterwards!

And our print activities wouldn't be complete without some
handprints and
foot prints. Though we kept it pretty tame - no prints on the walls! Instead, we did doll prints in
Potato Porcupine. I like sticking toothpicks into potatoes - I did this for "C" week to make a cactus. We did it again this week, and added eyes to make a potato porcupine. Some of my quills needed a little extra
push to get them securely in, but for the most part this was all me...
Parchesi. Mommy showed me how to play Parchesi, which is a good thing because I have been driving her crazy by getting into all the board game boxes and spreading game pieces all over! It is easy to play - you put all the player pieces of a color into a circle, and then you pour the dice around from one dice container to another over and over! And Mommy tries to help you by counting the pieces and dice, as if you don't know how to count already. One-two-eight-seven. Like that.
Pink Piggy Bank. You know those pennies I stamped with? We had to put them into something, so we made a pink piggy bank from a baby food jar. I painted it pink, and then Mommy put on google eyes, a foam nose, and a
pipe cleaner curly tail. We didn't get the slot cut in the top in time for this photo, but you get the idea...

And speaking of
pink, we had a pink
painting heyday. I painted everything pink!
Pink Popsicle Stick Pet House. Actually, this was supposed to be a pet house, but I didn't help or let Mommy put it together properly, so it never got built. Instead, I changed it to a pink popsicle
pick up sticks game.
Pencil Art. This was the week I FINALLY got to color with pencils! It is such fun! I don't do broad strokes with them like with markers and paint. I make little tiny detailed marks. It takes lots of concentration to be
We did lots more "P" stuff, like watch
penguin videos, play
patty cake, push and pull things, point out body
pairs, practice the piano, and create a solar system with
planet stickers.
So now we're off to learn about the quick queen of Quincy and her quacking quackeroo. Quiet, now!
If you have a post or link related to "P" Activities for toddlers, link up here!
I just love these posts, you are one creative lady :)
Esme! Your cousins want to know when they can come and do crafts with you. There mommy is just not that cool or creative! You are too cute! Woops, I guess it's not C week...
Love you!
Tia Susan
Their - oh my, you'd think auntie would check what came off the keyboard - woops!
Mmmm...those pretzels look yummmmy! And I'm loving your porcupine too! :) Nice work on all those projects!
I also love these letter posts. I would love to do the above with Dora, but I'm always so scared of the mess! I op for crayons, stickers, and tape! I also do "food" art using honey as glue, cereals, and yogurt for paint while in her while she's in her high chair (as she loves to eat her paint). I SO want to "paint" paint with her, but I just see it getting EVERYwhere.
Anyway, the things you do w/your daughter are incredible and thanks for sharing them!
This one is my favorite so far... the food pix alone are making me hungry. Great ideas and it all looks like fun!
Those pretzels sure look yummy:) Thank you for stopping by my blog!
I have tried the potati prints things too, and was not very successful! I love the pinks-they are gorgeous!
those pretzles are making me hungry!!
how fun! love that porcupine potato!
Love the idea for peanut butter crunch.. might have to copy your idea..
Good Morning,
Thank you so much for dropping by my blog today! Your little girl such is a cutie! Enjoy every moment...they go by so fast!
Have a great weekend!
Wow!! Who knew there were so many great things to do with the letter P! Your mommy is one smart lady to come up with all those things!
(And Pam's comment made me laugh! I sure miss Seinfeld.)
Ok, my kids will all want to come live at your house after seeing this post. LOL! PAINTING PINK THINGS forget about it - they are so there! Making "P" foods how clever. Gosh, I really need to get more creative and do more arts and crafts. I need to be seriously ok with a bigger mess - having 6 under 6 you get the idea.
But this looks awesome. Thanks for the inspiration to do a little more messy stuff!
Love and blessings today!
Wow!! I am impressed!! Your daughter is super cute, and looks very smart!!!!!! What great ideas you have!!!!
p.s. Thank you for stopping by my blog! :)
Great photos, and you have quite thee artist there!
I've never made homemade pretzels before and yours look fabulous! ESPECIALLY WITH CINNAMON SUGAR!
I loved your potato porcupine and I loved playing parcheesi!!!
I loved "p" craft day!! I know you did too! ((hugs)) to you!!
This is amazing. I wish I would've heard about this when my kids were young. Sounds like a wonderful way to teach letters. I'm a playful mom with older kids, 11 and 15. Still love to be creative.
And thanks for the comment about praising God. On Laced with Grace.
PS Wanted to also say I love your profile picture. It makes me think.
I love all your P crafts!!! Awesome!!!
Wow, you are so busy with your P crafts. Tell your mommie she should be keeping track of all these and she could publish an ABC craft book. (o:
I got a little distracted after your first "p" project - pizza! My favorite - when can I come over for a slice? ;)
You aways do such great things!! Those pretzels look yummy. She is lucky to have such a great mommmy.
oh, esme...
i wish i could have come visit for your p weeks:) pink, pretzels, popcorn, pizza, puzzles, and pigs (i used to collect pig thingies when i was a little girl:) are some of my very favorite things!!!
i cannot believe all you have accomplished in the midst of 'p'acking. your mommy is the best:)
Hi Esme! Thanks for stopping by my blog. I just love reading all about your sweet little girl's days! She is Perfectly Precious doing all of her P Projects! LOL.
Such great ideas. I will be posting a Prayer Warrior project tomorrow or Monday that my grandaughters just did this week.
Wow! You're very creative! I love the photos and all your wonderful "p" ideas!
Thank you so much for visiting me and leaving such a kind comment.
Bless you!
I ♥ your blog! Thanks for sharing :)
You have so many wonderful ideas here and I LOVe that you do them with a toddler too. How fun! I will definitely be trying some of these out with my twins. Thanks!!!
ps Thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment. Always so nice to meet new people :)
what great activities and a great week! we loved pink and purple week we might have to revisit it again around valentines! :)
love your pretzels man they look great! mine never look that great!!!
This is my new favorite resource site! This will keep us busy for years!
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