The resort is in the Oregon High Desert. Right now it is very green and pretty. There was a huge deer on the front lawn when we arrived, and there are lots of geese and goslings. Here’s a photo of the canyon outside our condo.

What a luxurious life – here I am on my big bed and then in a bubble bath.

We went shopping one day – Mommy went to Victoria Secret to get Audra’s wedding present while Daddy and I ate a hot dog. Then we bought me a pair of Ray Bans!

The next day Uncle J came with G and G's mommy Auntie E. Here I am swinging with G. This was my first time alone on a swing – it was fun!

We rode on my skateboard together, too.

On Friday, Daddy and Uncle J played golf. They don’t let kids like me on the course here for liability reasons. That’s dumb. Do they think I’m going to hurt somebody?
Then Mommy went with E to the resort spa to get a massage, facial, and herbal body wrap. They didn’t take me to that either. I did get to go swimming, though.
Then on Sabbath we went to Smith Rock, a world-renown rock climb spot.

Here’s Daddy on the rock:

Everybody got to climb except me. Here I am in my harness climbing the steps, though.

Then we drove back to Roseburg. I was awake this drive and got to see snow, even though it wasn’t snowing.

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