Then I got to do some remodeling work with Uncle J. I am very good!

Mommy & Daddy spent lots of time looking at papers, on the computer, and on the phone this week. They are “refinancing” their house, and that is really complicated, it sounds like. So I read books and played with garbage and unpacked suitcases.
I had fun playing with my kitty, Flame, and Auntie D’s dog, Butterscotch. Auntie D rents our house since we aren’t there most of the time. I love Flame, but he doesn’t like my attention too much and swipes at me sometimes. And Thursday was very sad – Butterscotch got killed by a car in front of the house. Here's a old photo of Flamey & Butterscotch.

BTW, my ninth tooth – a BIG molar, is coming in now. Soon I will be able to eat absolutely everything! I have been working on wood, but I like eating paper better, especially napkins.
Oh, and the weather got really hot this week – up to the 100s. This is the prettiest time of year in Roseburg, when all the hills and trees are green and there are bright splashes of color from azaleas, rhodies, dogwoods, tulips, scotch brush, and more.
On Thursday I went to town with Mommy and saw lots of people at Sunrise Enterprises, where she used to work. They all remember me from when I was really little. I wasn’t shy at all. Then we had lunch with A at Stewart Park and went for a walk. Here’s a blue-eyed photo at the park, the train I saw on my walk, and a photo with A. We did some shopping later.

On Friday Daddy & I checked out Big 5. Here I am trying to decide which golf clubs to buy.

Then we went to a BBQ at E & G’s house. I played in G’s wading pool and then fell asleep in my stroller while Daddy took a little jog with me.

Here people are getting ready for a group photo. Mommy didn’t get the actual group photo on her camera, though.

I had a fun time at TurningPoint Church on Sabbath. I starting spinning in circles for the first time – it made me dizzy so I could hardly stand up straight!
Here I am after church working with G. on some of the finer points of skateboarding, with Uncle J.’s help.

After lunch a bunch of us went to River Forks Park. Here I am climbing trees.

And pinching Daddy.

And riding Uncle J’s bike.

Thanks for leaving a note about my blog on my mom. She WAS doing better - yesterday she broke her arm, just by making the bed. So I was set to return to Moz tomorrow but I am delaying my return now. Do you know about Children's Day? it's June 1st and this means I won't be with my boys for it which makes me sad.
But, I wanted to comment on this entry, are you from Roseburg? I'm not from there but my cousins, who I am VERY close with and who manage my finances, moved there three years ago so Roseburg is now my official stateside address. perhaps we'll meet if we're ever there at the same time! Gotta run to the doctor's office!
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