I love reading! Especially books with animals. I can make awesome animal sounds! And I can point out all the Os and Vs in the book.
Books tell stories. And there are so many stories to be told about Africa, and Africa's people.
We have a special giveaway for the booklovers out there. One commenter is going to receive
three books - all portraying a piece of the African story.
The Hospital by the River - A Story of Hope by Dr. Catherin Hamlin. "The awe-inspiring story of the life and mission of Dr. Catherine Hamlin who, with her husband Reg, established what has been heralded as one the most incredible medical programs in the modern world. The Hamlins, both Christians, dedicated their lives to women suffering the catastrophic effects of obstructed labor. The awful injuries that such labor produces are called fistulae, and until the Hamlins began their work in Ethiopia, fistula sufferers were neglected and forgotten--a vast group of women facing a lifetime of incapacity and degradation. Catherine and Reg, with their team of dedicated fistula surgeons, have successfully operated on over 25,000 women, and the Addis Ababa Fistula Hospital has become a major teaching institutions for gynaecologists from all over Ethiopia and the developing world. Set against the backdrop of Ethiopia, this is a moving and utterly compelling account of an extraordinary life." (
Amazon's Product Review)
Scribbling the Cat - Travels with an African Soldier by Alexandra Fuller. "Thomas Wolfe's trusted axiom about not being able to go home again gets a compelling spin through the African veldt in Alexandra Fuller's Scribbling the Cat: Travels with an African Soldier. Fuller (
Don't Let's Go to the Dogs Tonight : An African Childhood) journeys through modern Zambia, to battlefields in Zimbabwe and Mozambique with the scarred veteran of the Rhodesian Wars she identifies only as "K." Intrigued by the mysterious neighbor of her parent's Zambian fish farm and further enticed by her father's warning that "curiosity scribbled the cat" ("scribbling" is Afrikaans slang for "killing"), Fuller embarks on a journey that covers as much cratered psychic landscape as it does African bush country. Though she and "K" are both African by family roots rather than blood, she quickly discovers that 30 years of civil war have scarred them--and the indigenous peoples they encounter--in markedly different ways. "K" is a figure of monumental tragedy, a decent man torn by war-fueled rage, a failed marriage, and painful memories of an only son lost to tropical disease. His adopted Christianity offers him only partial absolution, and Fuller details his gut-wrenching confessions of quarter-century old atrocities with compassion and rare insight. Her prose liberally salted with a rich, melange of Afrikaans and local Shona slang, Fuller nonetheless struggles with a narrative whose turns are often unexpected, yet driven by humanity. There's a clear sense that the author's fitful journey into the past with "K" has opened as many wounds as it has healed, and spawned more questions than it has answered. It's that discomfort and frustration that often reinforces the honesty of her prose--and reinforces Thomas Wolfe's adage yet again. --Jerry McCulley" (
Amazon's Product Review)
Girl Soldier by Faith McDonnell & Grace Akallo. "For several decades a brutal army of rebels has been raiding villages in northern Uganda, kidnapping children and turning them into soldiers or wives of commanders. More than 30,000 children have been abducted over the last twenty years and forced to commit unspeakable crimes. Grace Akallo was one of these. Her story, which is the story of many Ugandan children, recounts her terrifying experience. This unforgettable book--with historical background and insights from Faith McDonnell, one of the clearest voices in the church today calling for freedom and justice--will inspire readers around the world to take notice, pray, and work to end this tragedy. " (
Amazon's Product Review)
A big thanks to Jennifer at
Family Musings for contributing these 'like new' books for Operation Love Zimbabwe! Jennifer is mom to darling Charlotte Moon, who is doing alphabet activities every week, just like me! And Charlotte is expecting a brother or sister one of these days - how blessed is that?! Stop by and say hi, and give that sweet Charlotte a hug for me!
To Enter to win all three books: All you have to do is leave a comment on this post. Please make sure you include an email so I can contact you if you win.
You can get up to two extra entries if you (1) post about Operation Love Zimbabwe on your blog, and/or (2) put the
Operation Love Zimbabwe button on your blogsite. Please leave a separate comment for each entry.
This contest is limited to US shipping addresses.
Entries must be made by 11:59 p.m. PST on February 14, 2009. The winners will be selected using
http://www.random.org/ and will be contacted by email.
even though I can't enter, unless the US buys Japan in the next couple of days, thank you for introducing me to these books, I am always on the look out for these types of reads.
I would very much like to read these books and share them with others, as the stories need to be told.
knittingmomof3 (AT) gmail (DOT) com
I blogged about this wonderful cause: http://rundpinne.blogspot.com/2009/02/operation-love-zimbabwe.html
knittingmomof3 (AT) gmail (DOT) com
The button is most definitely on my blog.
knittingmomof3 (AT) gmail (DOT) com
These look like really interesting books. Definitely worthy of precious space on my bookshelf. I've got your button on both of my blogs.
Would pass these books along for others to read,if I won these. I bet they are a great read!thanks jacquecurl@gmail.com
Would pass these books along for others to read,if I won these. I bet they are a great read!thanks jacquecurl@gmail.com
didn't mean to enter twice.jacquecurl@gmail.com
Those look like fantastic books. Wish I could enter but we're just a wee bit north of the US here in Canada...
I would love to read these & share with my dad and his wife, who work part of the year in South Africa.
I love to read and i love Africa so winning this prize would be wonderful. I traveled to south Africa last year and didn't want to leave the continent. I would love to visit another country in Africa really soon.
my email:
I put the button on my blog
And i posted about the cause
Wow this is great I would love to read these1
Count me in!
Please enter me - looks like they are great books.
All of these sound like worthy reads...a great addition to the giveaway.
Uh! Yes, I think reading these books would definitely boost my enthusiasm for heading that way even more! Not that I need help in getting excited. I CAN'T wait to experience Zambia.
I would love to have these books, read them, and then send them to my daughters to read.
enter me for this one.
i hope i am not tooo late.
I would love to win these books and then pass them along. I'm trying to convince my mom to go with me to Rwanda.
Hi Jane! What great ideas you are having! Jennifer comments on my blog too, if I recall right, she learned about my blog from yours! Anyway, I'd love to be entered and you could send the books to nearby Roseburg! Or drop them off even and save the postage! :)
OH, Oh, Oh, I wanted to tell you - my friend Lynne from SA just went to Zim with her two daughter's-in-law and they went to Mutare, I think that's how it's spelled. I couldn't be 100% sure as she was telling me over the phone while driving there, but it struck a chord as the same place you're going. They went for the weekend to bring supplies to a childrens center, perhaps yours??? I was SO bummed because she had written a newsletter saying she was going "next week" and to contact her if anyone wanted to donate or join. so I call her and she's on her way! I would have tried to go! Turns out the time between writing the newsletter and sending it was several days!
I'm going to try and get more info from her now that she's back (I go to SA next week for the dentist and hope to meet up) and will see if you two are focusing on the same area!
Wouldn't that be amazing if I joined her sometime in the future and you and I never met in person here in Moz but do in Zim?!?!
Love, Laura
I would love to read and share these books.
janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com
I know my wife would love reading these books.
several years ago i met some people from africa and they stay in my thoughts and prayers all the time. i would love to read these books and pass them on to friends to also read. for sure sign me up....mema103@yahoo.com
I would love to win this. My granddaughter is in college preparing to be a missionary to Africa. ybutler@oppcatv.com
i would love to win these and give them to my dd for her bday! thanks!
These sound very interesting to read.
I would love to win these books! What an awesome giveaway! I'm loving your blog!
I'd love a chance to read these books, I love learning about different people, and cultures/countries.
unforgetable_dreamer_always (AT) hotmail (DOT) com
My partner would love to read these books
I would love to read these books. They sound really interesting,
These certainly sound like informative and fascinating books. Thanks for the chance to win them!
allibrary (at) aol (dot) com
I would be interested in winning "Girl Soldier"
I have the OLZ button on my blog sidebar:
Giveaway City
Blogged about this giveaway here:
Giveaways at Mozi Esme
Each of the books looks very fascinating.
These are truly beautiful books that my reading loving family would so love to delve into! : )))
Thanks so much for this give~away! : )))
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