Wednesday, April 4, 2012

D is for Dilly Dallying

Dear Miss Esmé,

You are a dilly dallier.

Not only do you have to stop and smell the roses on your way anywhere, you have to pet a ladybug, build a nest for a bird, and wait for a tree to bud, flower, leaf, and lose its leaves again before you get a move on it.

No matter how much we sing the Months of the Year and the Days of the Week and work on clock exercises, you’ve not a clue in the world about time.

Last week on a stay-at-home day, we let you stay in your jammies the whole day at your request.  Come 7pm, well after breakfast, lunch, and an entire day of fun and learning, you were ready to get dressed for the day and go to Cyndi’s (day care).  When we told you it was rather time to get ready for bed, you were shocked and dismayed.  Not a clue, I tell you!

You are teaching this mamma LOTS of patience.

You are also teaching me to appreciate and learn from the world around me.

Consider how the daffy-down-dillies grow.  They don’t toil or spin, yet no princess is dressed more beautifully than one of these.  How much more will your Father adorn you!

I love you, my amazing, beautiful, clever, dilly-dallying baby girl!

Your Mom
Each birthday, I write a letter to my baby girl.  This year, the year of the amazing 5-year-mark, I’ll be working from A to Z.