June 6th is National YoYo Day in honor of Donald F. Duncan Sr.’s birthday. Whoever that is…
I presented Esmé with a celebratory yo-yo and asked her in search of an educational moment, “Where do you think yo-yos came from?”
“The store…” she exclaimed with obviousness.
“Uh, that’s not exactly what I meant. Maybe they came from China?” I explained, grasping at origins.
“I believe you’re doing the same thing your daughter did,” Pappa said to me.
Sure enough, the yo-yo had a “Made in China” emblem on it.
Which brings us to Donald Duncan, who was behind the mass production and marketing of yo-yos as toys in the US in the 1930s, in large part with the help of a Filipino named Pedro Flores. Happy birthday, Donald!
(Another Great Depression cure? Donuts, Rocky Road, and Yo-Yos – shows that great things come from tough times?)
By the way, if you’ve got elementary-aged kids, there is a cool unit study, including hands-on science study, available at homeschooling.about.com…
What fun facts! The yo-yo play looks like fun too.
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