Once again, we are fashionably late. (Just wondering - when does it change from being fashionably to being annoyingly late?)
Here at our house, we feature 2-year-old fashion, of course. We've got a few head shots to start with. And then evidence that with a 2-year-old, you NEVER know what's hiding under the layers.
First, in fitting with the season, we feature the horn of plenty. No? What's that? It's a COW horn, folks. And it makes perfect headwear.

And we had to fit the bedhead look in here somewhere. Obviously it was too early in the day to get decent lighting for the photo...

For a real classy look, stick with the fire hat. Can't go wrong with that...

Moving on to layering... Mommy got this purple velvet uneven-length skirt a couple weeks ago, and it goes with every outfit...

And since I have it, I can share my pink tutu with George, and we can dance together.

But I've got a surprise on under the skirt. When I take it off, you'll see I've put on my Little Swimmers pants on OVER my other pants.

It's a Finding Nemo Swimmer - of course - very tasteful!

OK, folks, here's where you get to share the catwalk! Link up your favorite fashion shot(s) of the week...
This is such a cute post!! Love the layering!
love the nemo swimmer - it is a great fashion accessory!!
That was a very entertaining fashion show! I think my favorite is your dancing shot with George in a tutu. I used to dress my little brother up in my tutu's - that photo was pure gold for the slideshow at his wedding reception ;0)
Little Swimmers go with everything :)
I thought of you as I watched my little grand-girl Madison in her ball shorts (nike) stylish but long.
Also Maddy's Daddy tossed me some pants and said these are hers... put them on.
I asked where he bought them? he said Jenny does the purchasing. Jenny saw them and said... Stewart those aren't even hers... they belong to Aiden. Miss Maddy looked like a 'gangsta' in her too long britches. Plus she was wearing one of her sisters shirts.
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