#1 - This is a follow-up to the "Danger of Drowning" sign in the last post. As several commentors mentioned, there is a "Way Out." Just check out the subway platforms in London.

#2 - This sign just screams "Scotland," doesn't it?

#3 - "When taking a shower, please close the door as steam may be liable to set off the fire alarm. Thank you." This was in our London hotel bathroom. It had Mommy paranoid that she was going to make everyone evaculate the hotel everytime she showered. (Don't worry - she showered regardless...)
#4 - This one made Mommy nervous, too. What exactly are the dangers involved with a "Weak Subway?"

#5 - There were a variety of "Fouling" signs around. Just seems so British to refer to poop that way, doesn't it?

#6 - This was at one of the entrances to the Parliament Building in London. Wouldn't you just love to enter a building through the "Sovereign's Entrance?" So grand...

#7 - This "Danger" sign was posted at Ben Lawer's Pass in Scotland. Such a tranquil scene with sheep everywhere, it just seemed out of place. But we could probably use a few more of these signs in our lives, eh?

#8 - Does this really need to be spelled out so clearly? Also at the Ben Lawer's visitor center.

#9 - It's not enough to drive slowly in this neighborhood. Our Scottish neighbors want us to go DEAD slow.

#10 - OK, this sign ONLY makes sense in York, the walled city. This is one gorgeous place to visit - and a walk on the wall just completes the tour. I guess they don't want any "fouling" on the walls...

#11 - Only in England can you insult so politely...

#12 - and have such a witty, dry comeback.

#13 - Doesn't this Edinburgh sign hold true for all of us? If only we could know now what the new priorities are going to be...

these are great, j:) i love the word "fouling"; i think i will start using it... do you think maggie will know what i'm talking about when i ask her if she needs to go outside to foul??? tee-hee!!!
i had to giggle at the churchill/astor signs, too:b
much love,
Oh my goodness, those signs are fabulous. I've never been to Europe. Someday...
Loved the Churchill & Lady Astor quotes. I've seen them before, but had forgotten them. Thanks for giving me a smile so early in the morning!
those are great I even stopped my husband before he left for work to show them to him
These are great! Thanks for the smiles! : )
La Donna
Love it! I've convinced my husband that he needs to try for Oxford or Cambridge when the time comes to get his doctorate--I've dreamed for half my life of living in the UK. Those signs make me want to hurry up and move NOW!
What a great way [and reason] to travel the world. I'll be watching for more stories! Thanks for visiting my blog. God Bless.
oh too funny. "fouling" and i love that sign, changed priorities. I'd like to have that one in my house!
WONDERFUL signs! how cool!
Fouling, that's funny.
Loved the last one! LOVED the insulting one with the drinks (lol) and love the Dead slow one. ha ha ha.
FUN post!
Awesome signs. Made my day, and put a smile on my face.
An Arkie's Musings
LOL! I loved those! Especially the Churchill and Astor quotes.
So funny! I take pictures of signs, too... I love when they're taken out of context. The homemade "dead slow" sign was my personal fave. :)
The exchange between Lady Astor and Winston Churchill is classic! Glad you're all having a nice time!
I've always loved that Churchill/Astor quote, and the shower sign would definitely have made me nervous too LOL.
awesome signs.
love the Lady Astor - Winston Churchill ones. Ü
my favorite.
changed priorities ahead.
my favorite is the one actually asking people not to piss on the sidewalk. Good Lord
The last one is wild. I wonder what is just ahead now LOL
Hahaha! Great signs! I love that last one.
Have you seen the Jeep ads in some magazines that include tear-out postcards with funny signs on them? I love those.
The steamy shower one reminds me of when I was a teenager. I would take long, hot showers. Then sometimes when I would open the bathroom door the steam would actually set off the fire alarm in the hallway.
That 'weak subway' one reminds me of the time my husband spotted a sign saying 'failed road'. Of course we had to drive down it...... I still wonder what it failed.
OMG those are hilarious!
tour de signs. I love it!
great signs! even though we speak the same language, sometimes it seems foreign, doesn't it?
one of my favorites is #8 :)
Great idea for a post. I love the Weak Subway and the Dead Slow.
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