There were twenty of us staying in three rooms/cabins right by the beach. I got to play in the sand, boogie board, take a sunrise walk with Auntie Susan, and check out tidal pools.
Here are some cool photos of me playing with my friend B.

Here I'm on my sunrise walk with Auntie Susan:

And playing with sand:

And boogie boarding just before a wave came and knocked me down. I was having so much fun, I was clapping instead of holding on!

And sitting on my chair in front of the cabin. Actually, it looks like I'm in front of one of the trucks, doesn't it?

A doggie adopted us Saturday night, and Daddy fed it some potjie kos. It wasn’t too hungry, so there was some food left. The next morning I was hungry, so I went to Daddy, folded my hands so he could pray for the food, and then went to the doggie bowl to get me some breakfast. Mommy intervened and made me eat ProNutro instead, which didn’t look nearly as good.
We kinda got lost on the way back. There are multiple sand tracks all going the same way, so you can hop in between them and pick the best-looking one. Except only one of them leads to the bridge you need to cross (a bunch of little sticks with a couple of planks on top to drive on). And that wasn’t the track we took. So we ended up at a big ditch and had to backtrack quite a few km to find the right track.
We all made it back safe and sound, back to another work week here in Matola . . .
What a fun trip, and my you're growing so nicely. What a pretty little thing. Happy Birthday too!
oooo..love the photo with the sand on her hand.
Stunning photos, especially the playing with sand shot. Wow.
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