Monday, November 15, 2010

Magic Marker Monday

Art in our house has taken a sad turn lately with creative canvas choices...
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First Esmé used a blue marker on the cat.

Then she did some cutting art on the blue comforter covering her bed.
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Sigh…  I guess regular old paper does get boring after three years.
It took me four years to paint like Raphael, but a lifetime to paint like a child.”
~Pablo Picasso


ShEiLa said...

Oh dear...
I can't imagine the unhappiness on Miss Esme's Mother's face when looking at the comforter on the bed... not to mention the cat. Chin up Miss Esme...we all have days like this.


KDL said...

Oh yikes...I have three little artists running around these days, so I'm sure the days are numbered before I find something like this somewhere. One more reason we should not get a cat!

Childlife said...

Oh noooooooo!! LOL! We've definitely had days like this -- Sharpie markers, Desitin, tape dispensers and Kleenex boxes have been the making of some of our more "out-of-the-box" crafting adventures.

I love the 3-D Kitty painting (giggle)! :D

~Michelle @ 5MFSN