Thanks to Digital Room, we're hosting another giveaway for an 18x24" poster! Check out Digital Room for online printing with a human touch; they provide eco-friendly printing solutions for all kinds of products, from menus to banners and business cards and stationery. And of course, they provide poster printing, too!
And yes, I'll get an 18x24" poster for hosting this giveaway, too...
Giveaway Prize Details
- (1) 18x24 poster print for One Lucky Winner
- Paper: High Gloss or Semi Gloss
- Shipping: FREE UPS Ground Shipping in the US
- Eligibility: Limited to US Residents due to shipping costs.
I'll randomly pick a winner on November 21st.
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This is neat! I would use the poster for a year in review of all the alphabet fun we have had for preschool, or a Tot School year in review since we are coming up on our 1 year blogiversay AND 1 year of doing official preschool and tot school. It would be a great addition to our school year. *Ü*
Thanks for the opportunity!
That's a tough one! I would likely come up with something for a bedroom, but maybe a picture of the kids, too, though it'd be HUGE! Too bad I don't have any great nature shots...I'm also not sure how well our camera would blow up, but if all else fails, I'd print a verse or saying.
We have a huge matted frame above our fireplace with our family picture in it in black and white. We get the poster size printed and then trim it so it is square shaped to fit in the frame. If I won the giveaway I'd print our new family picture when our baby is born in January.
my inlaws are buying a rental cabin, and have asked for a poster sized picture of my hubs fishing to put up in it.
if i win i'd give it to them for Christmas.
I've been wanting to get a giant family picture to put up in our new house. We have some large wall space here that just isn't served well with only small pictures. :)
We have lots of blank walls and I would love to have a picture of my kids enlarged. It's them from over the summer on our vacation in the mountains. It's beautiful.
There is a picture of my twin sister and I on our birthday in front of the city Christmas tree making goofy faces. My mom loves that picture!
I would get a picture of my Dad or a picture of my Dad me & my sister so that I could see him everyday. We lost him in a tragic mining accident a couple years ago & we miss him so bad.
I love all the photos of Miss Esme.
I sure have not been a great bloggy-buddy lately... I am hooked on Scramble and Pathwords.
I'd love to print out a poster of a photo I took of my dad and his siblings last Christmas Eve. It was the first time in several years since all of them were together.
for a picture of my grandson and his dog mverno@roadrunner.com
I already have the perfect picture in mind. We took a great holiday vacation last year in Mexico. A random tourist snapped a great shot - it would be a fantastic way to remember.
I grew tired of the photo I had hanging in my bedroom. I would use this to make a new picture to hang there. I am not sure what picture of mine I would use but it would likely be a tranquil landscape type photo from one of our family vacations.
I'd love to blow up a picture of my oldest son snowboarding for him to hang in his bedroom.
Thanks for the giveaway.
s.mickelson at gmail dot com
I want a huge picture of my whole family together. I am going to get it framed too.
I have a picture that I took of sunlight streaming through a tree branch which is beautiful and I would love that blown up
I'd enlarge the photo we're taking next Saturday of my daughter's family tree. Her, both parents, both grandmothers and two great grandmothers. It'd be an awesome keepsake for her.
I would love a picture of my three boys by the Christmas tree.
I would do a collage of my kiddos to display in my house. Thanks for the contest!
I'd love to use it for a recent family photo from a vacation we took this summer.
We have a beautiful picture from our trip to Maui. It's a sunset shot of our sailboat dinner cruise and the picture - as well as the vacation - turned out better than we had hoped for! ;)
I have a picture of a statue in front of a stained glass window in a church in Italy I have been longing to have blown up. Thank you for the giveaway!
We have one of my daughter so I would get a pic of my son on the beach to match
We have a super cute picture of my year and a half-old nephew I would love to use!
Definately a picture from the beach :)
ktgonyea at gmail.com
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