So here are a few photos:
I did NOT dump all the clothes off of my shelf so I could crawl and lie on the shelf myself. That'd make me claustrophobic, right?

And after I spill some of my fudgsicle on the floor, I wouldn't dance around and slip and slide in the puddle, right? Cuz I would never spill my fudgsicle on the floor in the first place...

When I'm playing with the feathers in my sensory tub, I would never deliberately create a trail of them throughout the house. Cuz that would be such a hassle to clean up. (And nobody's been reading the fable about gossip and the feather pillow around here, either.)

That IS NOT my handprint on the door. No siree...

That's all, folks. Maybe next week we'll have a more complete listing. If we could just get the potty training thing under our belts...
That's quite a list. I think you'd get along fabulously with my little guy. Instead of feathers, though, he left a cotton ball trail through the house.
kids get blamed for the darnest things... its not like there is photographic proof or anything.
I did NOT laugh out loud at the trail of feathers, but I did say, "Better feathers than cat litter." I LOVE the look of your site, by the way!
how is the potty training going? Joy just went on the potty for the first time this afternoon. I was so excited ... of course, she's refused to even sit on the potty ever since. Oh well, at least it's a step in the right direction! Hope Esme gets it figured out soon.
Haha! Great Not Me's! I love it!
oh, yeah, i already know you've started on your next post, esme!!! i love these, j:)
dani xxx
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