Sorry this is posting a day late... The internet did NOT work for us Wednesday!
Yes, we're going to do it again, a little differently this time... Starting in April when I turn 2 years old!
We've had spring fever this past week, so we're going to take a two-week break while we plan for the next year. In the meantime, Mommy's going to do a Q&A next week on our "alphabet approach," or whatever you want to call it. We've got a few questions to answer already - if you have any questions, let us know!
In spite of spring fever, here are some "Y" activities that worked for this 23-month-old this week...
Yellow. We did a yellow scavenger hunt - you can read about it in this post!
And we made a yellow school bus. First I painted a shoebox yellow. We waited for it to dry.
Then Mommy cut shapes to make windows and doors. She had to improvise - we still don't have black construction paper, so she cut out faces from a magazine for the windows.
I glued the shapes on. I had so much fun gluing that she just kept cutting and cutting. And I didn't care if the faces were on the outside or facing in. I've got windows all over the ceiling of the bus as well as on the side! And we put some stickers on for good measure.
After all the gluing was done, Mommy tied wheels (bottle caps) on with pipe cleaners. They're not very good wheels, because they don't roll. But I like my yellow bus, anyway!
And when we were done with the bus, we put all our dining chairs in a line and loaded up the animals. And we sang, "The horse on the bus goes neigh, neigh, neigh, all around the town," etc. with all the animals.
Yams. We got some toothpicks with yellow frills and poked them into a BIG yam!
This was actually quite tough - the yam is very dense. So Mommy gave me a styrofoam cup to put toothpicks in, and that was lots easier!
Then we put the yam in the oven to bake for lunch. But I didn't eat any of it. I am a very SELECTIVE eater...
Y Celery. Mommy sliced two celery sticks halfway and stuck them in water in the fridge to see if they would split and make a Y shape. Here's what they looked like. I took one bite and spit it out.
Counting Yogurt Raisins. I DID eat some yogurt - almost a whole container by myself once! And we did a counting activity - Mommy gave me 15 yogurt-covered raisins and put the numbers 1-5 by 5 containers. I was supposed to count the right number for each container. I messed up the control, though, by making some of the raisins disappear down my tummy!
Yo-yo. Can you believe we don't have a single regular yo-yo in our house? But you can't celebrate "Y" week without yo-yos, so Mommy pulled out this Alaskan yo-yo and demonstrated it for me. I had fun swinging it around, too...
Yacht. Mommy printed out a picture of a yacht, and I colored it. Then she pasted it onto cereal-box board and punched holes throughout. I took a yellow pipe cleaner and threaded it through the holes.
Yak. We made a toilet paper roll yak. I colored the template with some help from Mommy, then she cut it out and we pasted it on the toilet paper roll together. I like pointing out all the body parts! Though I am positive it has "hands" like we do.
Yell. I ran around the house yelling like a banshee! But I do that even when it's not "Y" week.
Yodel. We practiced yodeling, too, but nobody is very good at it in this house! We watched The Lonely Goatherd in The Sound of Music to see how it works.
So there you have it - the "Y" things that worked for us! Remember, next Wednesday is our Q&A on how the "alphabet approach" works for us, so let us know if you have questions.
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If you have a post or link related to "Y" Activities for toddlers, link up here!
Love those Y shaped celery sticks. :) And yelling...yes, that is fun! ;)
High on a hill stood a lonely goatherd...LOVE that song, LOVE that movie, and babe, I can yodel with the best of them (MY story, right?)...and now I will have to rent it for the weekend. :)
the celery looks fun! can't wait to see what you have planned next.
love the yellow bus, e:))) i even like the pictures from the magazine better than black windows!!! and, do you know that when i was in college my roommate and i loved yogurt covered raisins... Yum:b
fun "Y" week:D
aunt dani xxx
Oh, Esme, how I've loved watching you learn this past year! Can't wait to see how you tackle the Terrific Two's!
Fun! :)We're working our way through the alphabet too and almost winding down - just a few more weeks!
Congrats! You made it through all 26 letters. This looks like it was one of the easier ones... can't wait to see how you grow in the next year.
We're about to embark on a formal (hehe, I said formal like I meant it) letter study (sheesh, that sounds boring). We've just learned them as we see them so far. I love your ideas.
You are always so creative. If only I could organize my ideas so well. How long does it take you to plan your week?
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