Monday, February 2, 2009

OLZ Stone Carving Giveaway

One of the most sought after crafts coming from Zimbabwe is the Shona stone carving. Many of their carvings are renditions of family groups that symbolize the family bond that is so important to the Shone people.

Today we are giving away two stone carvings a little under a foot in height - one of a family and one of a couple. There will be two winners - one for each carving.
Mommy says these carvings remind her that all the statistics about Zimbabwe are not just numbers. There are faces behind the numbers. They represent mothers, fathers, husbands, wives, brothers, sisters, sons, and daughters. They are loved and in need of love. Their value is not measured by their life expectancy or their average annual salary.

To Enter: All you have to do is leave a comment on this post. Easy peasy! Please make sure you include an email so I can contact you if you win.

You can get up to two extra entries if you (1) post about Operation Love Zimbabwe on your blog, and/or (2) put the Operation Love Zimbabwe button on your blogsite. Please leave a separate comment for each entry.

Because of the weight of these carvings, the contest is limited to US shipping addresses.

Entries must be made by 11:59 p.m. PST on February 14, 2009. The winner will be selected using and will be contacted by email.


Jennifer said...

These are beautiful. I've admired this type of carving for a while since I first saw them at a Go Fish store. They would make a nice prayer reminder for the real people who are living in Zimbabwe.

Jennifer said...

And of course... I shared about OLZ on my blog!

dani said...

it's very hard to put faces with statistics when we are so far from zimbabwe, esme. thank you and your mom for reminding us:)
i'm putting the olz on my blog right now!!!

ShEiLa said...

These are so beautiful!



danandmarsh said...

I just love these carvings.
Thanks for contacting me of this giveaway!

danandmarsh said...

I put the Operation Zimbabwe button on my blog

danandmarsh said...

I have blogged about this giveaway at
will keep my fingers crossed, I just love these.

rubynreba said...

Zimbabwe is a great cause - thanks for all you are doing. I love the carvings. Please enter me.

makeetis said...

Such beautiful carvings. I am new to this site but I think I will continue to drop by and see how you all are. Thanks for the chance. brewerchickey78(at)

Debra Kaye said...

Beautiful Esme!

My email is

Happy Monday, my sweet friend.

BaronessBlack said...

Lovely! Are they soapstone? Let me know if you'd like to do a UK based give-away. I'm sure I have some suitable fairly traded items, should you need them!
Esme looking very cute!

Pamela said...

I love it! I know just where I would hang it on my wall!!

Lisa said...

Those are gorgeous. Please enter me.

DadTo2 said...

I would love one of these! Please enter me.

eric.dickey @

Kori said...

Please, please enter me; the one of the family makes tears come into my eyes. they are so lovely!

Kelly said...

THose are stunningly beautiful!! I can see them crying out to come to my house!! :o)

Kelly said...

I also added your button to my blog. My pleasure!

Kori said...

I have also added your button to my blog; what a wonderful mission you are taking part in!

moushka said...

Wow those are beautiful! Either one would look great in my newly finished bathroom.

Unknown said...

I love the carvings, they are beautiful. Please enter me in your drawing. Thanks for such precious giveaways.

Unknown said...

I added the Operation Love Zimbabwe button to my blog

Unknown said...

I added the Operation Love Zimbabwe button to my blog

Damselfly said...

These are so cool! It's amazing to think someone made these by hand.

bernthis said...

I have rarely put in to "win" something but those are amazing and I love what they represent. I am on typepad. I would love to put the button on there, any idea how?

Becky said...

Both are truly amazing and beautiful. Thank you so much for the opportunity and thank you for the wonderful work that you are doing.

dbkagrayson2002 [at] gmail [dot] com

Anonymous said...

These stones are unique and very beautiful!


Anonymous said...

Wow, those are very beautiful!

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Debbie said...

I would treasure one of these! Thanks for the chance.

Anonymous said...

These are beautiful and I'd love to display them in my home!

Melanie said...

these are lovely and so is your commitment!

melanieinaz2003 at

Anonymous said...

I've added the button.

Melanie said...

i have the operation love button on my blog

melanieinaz2003 at

Anonymous said...

I've posted about this great giveaway Here

Carla said...

Those are beautiful!

The Dreamer said...

these are amazing

thank you

addeviant006 at gmail dot com

Unknown said...

I love these. They remind me of the wood carvings my parents brought back from South Africa when I was a little girl and they were looking to move there. My Grandmother was born there and we still have many relatives there.

Melissa said...

These are beautiful!

Stephanie said...

What beautiful carvings. I might just have to buy one if I don't win one!

Unknown said...

Thanks for entering me! Visit my blog to enter my contest!!


Miss Blondie said...

These are beautiful!! I love the meaning behind them as well!!

missblondie919 at gmail dot com

Miss Blondie said...

I added the Operation Love Zimbabwe button!

missblondie919 at gmail dot com

Danielle said...

These are beautiful- thankyou.

Anonymous said...

These are awesome.....count me in!

I love the post you did about the blanket...your camera is waaay better than mine! :)

This OLZ looks to be going great!!! I'm going to post about it this weekend - I'll be back to let you know when that's up!

Anonymous said...

The OLZ button is on my blog too!!! :)

mommyjen99 said...

Just gorgeous!

Jen @ One Moms World said...

Wow.. these are indeed very beautiful. Love to be entered.

Erin said...

I think anything handmade is wonderful! Very beautiful.

tsslug said...

These r ever so cooool!
God bless artistic ability

Bebemiqui said...

Very nice, count me in.

Jeff and Mandee said...

These are just beautiful! My SIL just loves this kind of stuff and I would love to win the "couple" one for her.


Melissa said...

Oh my STARS!!!! Esmé, these are beautiful! Not only would I like to win one, but I might even be willing to buy one if I knew where to go...I'll email your mommy to see if she'll tell me where to go.

Danielle said...

OHHHHH I love these, thank you so much!


♥ LLL with Leslie ♥ said...

They are awesome !!! :)

Nicole said...

Those are really nice. Thanks!

Therese said...

These are absolutely beautiful and I know just where I would put one!

Erin Sipes said...

These are simply lovely. Thanks for the info and giveaway.

Erin Sipes said...

I got your button.

3boyzmom said...

They are gorgeous!! I would be thrilled to display one of those in my home!And you are awesome for doing the work that you do!! The world would be such a better place if there were more people like you helping others!!

noreen said...

beautiful words and beautiful carvings

valerie2350 said...

these are beautiful - i especially like the family one!

Maude Lynn said...

Those are gorgeous!

kelli at pfrog dot net

•´.¸¸.•¨¯`♥.Erin.♥´¯¨•.¸¸.´• said...

These are just stunning, especially the family carving. I'm in awe over the beauty of these.

•´.¸¸.•¨¯`♥.Erin.♥´¯¨•.¸¸.´• said...

I put the OZL badge on my blog :)

Stephanie's Blog said...

These are amazing - I would love to have one

feathermaye said...

These are spectacular and I would love to receive one. If I got the family carving, I would gift it to my stepson and daughter-in-law and granddaughter. I have to admit that if I received the couple, I would keep it my husband and myself.

Thank you for this contest, and your heartfelt posts!

feathermaye said...

I have posted your badge/button on my blog at

Andrea said...

These are so gorgeous ! You are doing a wonderful thing. I'll help spread the word.

apeak AT hotmail . com

Anonymous said...

I would love one of these! Please enter me!

Anonymous said...

Love african art

NGS said...

A good friend of ours who collects African art just had a baby!! That family would be a perfect present for their family.

Jackie B. said...

Wow! What a great giveaway. These are beautiful carvings!

majorjonjon said...


Melissa B. said...

I just finished When the Crocodile Eats the Sun, by Peter Godwin. If you haven't read it, it's a memoir of growing up in Zimbabwe. Powerful stuff, and such a sad, sad story! Thanks for raising our awareness!

silverhartgirl said...

these are just beautiful.

Anonymous said...

Those are absolutely beautiful!

Unknown said...

These are striking!

Lori said...

These are beautiful.


Lori said...

I have your button


Quiskaeya said...

I have posted about this and the other giveaways. I have also put up your button. Here is the link to the:

Angie said...

These are really neat...what a great cause

Angie said...

I have your button


Gorgeous! Please add my name. :o)

Jennifer said...

Beautiful craftsmanship. It would fit in perfectly with my baskets for Sudan and Uganda.

knittingmomof3 (AT) gmail (DOT) com

Jennifer said...

I most definitely blogged about it!

knittingmomof3 (AT) gmail (DOT) com

Jennifer said...

My button is on my blog.

knittingmomof3 (AT) gmail (DOT) com

Anonymous said...

Amazing carvings! I found you all through SITS.

silverhartgirl said...

I blogged about your giveaway and used your button

ABCD Diaries said...

i absolutely love the family carving:) thanks!

Anonymous said...

Gorgeous! I would be honored to own either of them.

onlycancan ta hotmail dot com

Anonymous said...

I have your button up!

onlycancan ta hotmail dot com

Anonymous said...

i would love to win this contest name is shona. i think that a shona stone carving would be just the great thing ever to own...please sign me up for the contest and keeping fingers crossed that i

Anonymous said...

Please include me in your giveaway. The carved pieces are lovely.

Rikki said...

These are gorgeous and a beautiful reminder of what people have survived.

I linked you on my blog, too!

Rikki said...

you are linked on my blog!

Anonymous said...

These are lovely works of art!

Anonymous said...

Those carvings are very nice pieces of art. We are blessed to have the chance to have one of these carvings in our home.


Rachel Ann said...

Beautiful works of art...please count me in!

Anonymous said...

Those are amazing, and you are doing an amazing thing.

urchiken at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

Good luck getting your message out. The stories are photos are very moving.
scrappylori at gmail dot com

Crunchy Green Mom - Suzanne said...

I would love the "couple" one. I'd save it for my guy when we got married! Great piece!

Crunchy Green Mom - Suzanne said...

Gah.. Sorry sorry.. here is my e-mail address..


melissad.williams said...

These are beautiful; I'd love to enter.

minishoes said...

I love these pieces! I have some pieces that would go with it in my living room. thanks

MamaGames - Alexa C. said...

These are lovely! Thanks for all the beautiful giveaways.

~Love Giveaways~ said...

These are really beautiful!
I would love to win! Thanks for the great giveaway!
janine at

DEBIJOT said...

These carvings are gorgeous.

Anonymous said...

These are lovely. Will look displayed in my home.

Anonymous said...

these stautes are beautiful, and they have my name on them also as i am named SHONA. how geat it would be to have one of these in my home and to share the story of the ppl of zimbawa. please enter

Mommyhood is Thankless said...

Those are very pretty, count me in!


Jingle said...

These are amazing! I have a perfect spot in my home for one of these!
jinglesells at gmail dot com

Rachel@just another day in paradise said...

absolutely beautiful!

Anonymous said...

I have a "Spirit of Victoria Falls" living room, and my passion is wood and life. My animals are carved of wood. I have giraffes, zebras, elephants, and more....
This giveaway is very magical, shows the beauty of the people and family, something that is missing from my journey of the land.. The wood is enduring and so beautiful.
My father was a carpenter, and his love of wood continues in my heart..

caseykelp said...

The pieces are beautiful. I would love to win one of them. A great way to bring a bit of another culture into the house.

Shirley said...

I would love to win one of these to place in our African themed bedroom.

andrea v said...

These are beautiful, would love to win, thanks

Marcy Bock said...

Wow very cool. Would be proud to display this!

DeAnn S said...

Would be very honor to display these carvings in my home and love what your doing to help another county. Thank you

Jody said...

Those are beautiful and would be a great reminder of the needs in Zimbabwe.

Leah said...

These are truly magically inspirational!

Thanks so much for this give~away! : )))


Gina said...

These are simply stunning.. I'd love to give them a loving home to live in..

Rockin' Mama said...



jasonncaryn at yahoo dot com

jamaise said...

Wow! Those are beautiful! I love the groupings too :))