Mommy and I are having a debate, and I need some reinforcements, seeing as I'm littler than her at only 22 months. I say the thing on the right is a "tar" and the thing on the left is an "ay-pane." Mommy says they are both "tars." Tell her what's right!
Hi Esme! My name is Sadie and I'm 22 months too AND I write my own blog (with help from my mom)! I'm turning 2 at the end of March. I wish I could visit Mozambique. I learned about it during the Olympics.
The one of the right definitely looks like a 'tar. The one on the left kinda looks like an ay-pane. But in my house, my mommy is usually right. It bugs me sometimes.
hmmm...maybe the one on the left is a stealth airplane. tell your mommy a stealth airplane probably doesn't need wings so it'll be more sneaky in the air ;o)
Hi Esme! My name is Sadie and I'm 22 months too AND I write my own blog (with help from my mom)! I'm turning 2 at the end of March. I wish I could visit Mozambique. I learned about it during the Olympics.
The one of the right definitely looks like a 'tar. The one on the left kinda looks like an ay-pane. But in my house, my mommy is usually right. It bugs me sometimes.
An "ay-pane", huh? Well, I'm sure my son would agree with you. So one more point for you! ;)
hmmm...maybe the one on the left is a stealth airplane. tell your mommy a stealth airplane probably doesn't need wings so it'll be more sneaky in the air ;o)
You are right. Children your age have the ability to shape our language. Even though my daughter will soon be 30, we still refer to horses as fossies.
An Arkies Musings
Esme- you're such a cutie that I think you should be able to call it whatever you want!
Cute, sounds like you could be taught your shapes it you can distinguish between 'tar' shapes and 'ay-plane' shapes. (maybe you already know them?)
Thanks for stopping by to say hi! I have some boys who could use an Eagle scout project. Do you know of a group in Mozambique who we could help?
Hmmm I say "tars" but Lyndsy said they were halloween colors so I guess I'm wrong too. hee hee
hahahaha...Esme you crack me up. I'm going to stay out of this one. I would ask Zander what he thinks but luckily (for me) he is asleep right now.
The child is right—it's all about perception. Be free Esme!
Haha! That's way cute!
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