This particular award has a rule to go with it. I have to tell you some things that make me happy. So, in no particular order, here are things that make me happy!
- As you can see by the photo, things that make me happy are expensive electronic gadgets with lots of buttons and lights, like IP phones and laptops and video cameras. Cords are an added bonus.
- I'm happy that I know how to climb now. And that I can move tables and chairs around so I can climb wherever I want to.
- Kisses and hugs make me happy.
- Money makes me happy. I like to count it and give it to people, because it makes them happy, too!
- Singing makes me happy. Especially at 11 p.m.
- Naps make me happy. Not having to take them, but waking up from them. I like to get up and experience the world!
- Cats make me happy. Now if only they would pay me some attention, they would make me really happy. And bunnies make me happy.
- Comments make me happy.
- Oh, and Mommy is happy that I'm writing this post for her so she can take a break and get some packing done. Because I have been unpacking everything as she packs it. I mean really, she must know I need to take that stuffed monkey with me everywhere I go (until I find the next essential item). A packing box is no place for a monkey.
- Sandra at Diary of a Stay At Home Mom. I drool over her creative recipes. And she's making lots of creative Christmas gifts, too!
- Christine at Smiles and Trials. She definitely has some creative kids!
- The lady at The Days of the Knights. Gotta be creative when following a quest into the unknowns!
- Danielle at New Mommy Rant. Anyone who can function on severe lack of sleep has some reserves of creativity, for sure.
- Damselfly at Growing a Life. Just cuz her "What I'd Wear Wednesdays" are the only fashion things Mommy ever reads... And Mommy needs a serious dose of that stuff.
Congrats on the well deserved award. I love your alphabet posts.
congratulations, e and j!!!
esme, most of those things make me pretty happy, too:) i still haven't mastered climbing, though.
Those are a lot of 'happy' sort of things!! ;) Comments make me happy too! haha. Oh, and good luck with that packing!!
You know, Sweet Baby, you would get along great with our 7 and 8 of 8--they love electronics. They love unpacking. I bet you all working as a team could dismantle an office building!
Esmé I am starting to love your little cheerleader outfit too.
Congrats on your award!
Congrats on your award! I love the creative things you do with Esme!
Congratulations on the award, you definitely deserve it :)
And thank you for passing it on to me, you are too sweet.
Congrats on the award. And thanks for visiting my blog the other day!
Hey, congrats on the award! You are truly creative. Your craft lists blow me away. Thank you so much for passing it on to me! I will try to remember to blog about it when I get back from our trip. We leave tomorrow! I love the happy list of Esme's. She is one happy little girl. :)
You won the Mrs. Goodbee Talking Dollhouse from 5 Minutes for Mom! Congrats.
Please send me your name and shipping info to this email with the prize in the subject line. I will need a U.S. or Canadian shipping address per the rules on the post.
It makes me happy that you got this award and you shared your happiness with all of us!!
((hugs)) to you!
Oh dear. I have never received a bloggy award before. Thanks ! I love what makes you happy! You make me happy!
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