I don't know how Mommy decided to match a photo of me with a "Lazy" caption, even if PhotoHunt's theme is "lazy" this week. I am the antithesis of lazy! Just because I'm still asleep at 7:30 a.m. after a night of partying does NOT make me lazy!

The day-to-day adventures of an 10-year-old girl growing up in rural Oregon...
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Oh, silly mommy! You are just getting your beauty sleep after a long night, right? your jammies are SO cute, and so are you!
Sleeping children are always so beautiful! I can gaze at them for hours!
Sleeping children are always so beautiful! I can gaze at them for hours!
She looks beautiful - and so big! Did she go through a growth spurt while you were on your bloggy break?
How cute are you all sleepy like that??!! What an adorable picture....hope you get all the beauty sleep you desire!!
I personally would like to take a lazy day....with out the consequence of having to clean up the aftermath of not so sleepy kids!
Happy weekend!
Precious Moments... watching a baby sleep. Especially when it's your baby.
So so so sweet
NO, not lazy. NO. :)
Beautiful Sleeping Beauty, though. Yes.
Mozambique is so beautiful! I sometimes wonder what it could have been if it wasn't a Portugal's colony... Oh well.... My kiddo sleeps until 9h30 a.m. sometimes... Now, that's lazy!
I love sleeping kid photos.
Thanks for the link to photohunt...that looks interesting, and I hope to find the time to participate.
Your "lazy" baby is beautiful. I love watching my kids when they are sleeping.
haha! I love the "laziness"...and for some reason, since I became a mom getting to sleep till 7:30am is called sleeping in now too!
Well I'm going to sleep in tomorrow morning, too. And mostly because of PhotoHunt, lol.
Great pic. Sleeping kids are always so neat.
a little afternoon snooze!! So sweet.
Mine's a lazy 'nut caper' this week, somebody's grabbing my nuts and running away! Come on by to have a look see if you can find time.
Happy weekend.
This is absolute sweetness! :)
my dear little esme,
your are the epitome of the word, "precious"!!! you look like a sleeping angel:)
You can not look at her and not say Awwww! Precious!
She had just her beauty rest..see mine thanks..
she is crashed! yay for sleeping in
ROFL!! As one blogger put it, we're just "energy efficient." LOL
I did Photo Hunters today, too! If you have time, pay me a visit and leave your link. :)
Sleeping babies are the most beautiful creatures on earth.
What a doll....I have a photo very much like that of my dd, who turns 25 this month. Don't know where the time went. Enjoy these days :)
So sweet! They are NEVER lazy at that age:)
I wish I could still sleep like that. She is darling!
I love this picture! We see this pose all the time in our house too. What sweet blessings they are!
I love watching my children sleep.
So sweet!
I love how they sleep with their mouths open!
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