Lots of laughs for "L" week. These are the crafts that worked for this 17-month-old last week.
Lacy Lines. Mommy put double-sided tape onto strips of lace and let me stick them onto a red scrapbooking sheet. The double-sided tape was awfully sticky and hard to get off my fingers, so she had to help a little. But now she has a nicely decorated scrapbook page just waiting for some photos.
Lickin' Litchi Lollies. We made popsicles with litchi juice. Yummy! I never had popsicles before!

Lacing Beads. This is a perfect lacing activity for little hands like mine. Mommy let me paint four toilet paper rolls and then cut them into 3 pieces each. Then she taped a piece of large ribbon to the floor and let me thread the toilet paper "beads" onto the ribbon. Voila! My own handcrafted necklace!
Letter. Mommy gave me a leaf-imprinted piece of paper to write a letter on. I love writing letters!
Laundry. Mommy set up a clothesline of yarn really low so I could work with it. Then she gave me some clothespins and some napkins to hang up on the line. What fun! I couldn't quite figure out how to pinch the clothespins to open them - I kept trying to shove the wrong end onto the line - so Mommy had to help me open up the pins.
Lion. Just thought I should introduce you to my lion cub this "L" week. He sings "Hakuna Matata" and asks me to be his pal always. Plus he doesn't mind if I ride on his back and slide him on the floor. He skateboards with me, too. Here I am showing him to Grandma.
Leopard. Ms. Cathrine painted spots on my face with markers. Don't I look just like a wild leopard? Maybe she should have put spots on my clothes, too.
Ladybugs. We painted a rock and a bunch of shells red and let them dry. Then I did my famous "dot" painting technique on them with black paint to make beautiful ladybugs!
Leaf Art. Mommy and I collected lots of different kinds of leaves outside. Then I did all kinds of leaf painting. First I painted some leaves. Then I painted a newspaper by using leaves as the "paintbrush." Plus I did leaf imprints by putting a painted leaf on the paper, folding the paper over it and pressing the paper to make two imprints.

Then we made a leaf mobile by punching holes into the leaves and tying them to a branch with yarn.

Lemonade. I helped Mommy squeeze some lemons to make lemonade. Here are Grandma and I enjoying the fresh-squeezed stuff!
We had tons more ideas for "L" week, but we ran out of time, and we have millions of "M" ideas that we don't want to miss this week. So there you have it . . .
If you have a post or link related to "L" Activities for toddlers, link up here!
You are goign to have the most brillaint child ever; a constant inspiration to me!
So many projects... so little time.
busy, busy!
Another great week! How old was Esme when you started working with her on these art projects?
And I had an idea for next week with marbles... but sounds like you have it covered!
What fun! I love the ladybug idea.
it all Looks Lovely :-)
Any tips on how to get your kid interested in crafts? Do I just have a craft-challenged child?
dear esme,
"l" week looks like loads of fun!!! i have never tried litchi juice(does it taste like strawberry???)... but i've had lots of lemonade, yum:b
all of your artwork is amazing:D
i hope you are enjoying your visit with your grandmother, sweet girl!!!
Ok, maybe I am the only one that does not know this...but what is litchi juice?
I just absolutely LOVE these crafts. Just a few weeks ago, I was actually googling activities to do w/my daughter - I totally forgot - should've just come to your blog! Anyway, I want to actually print out everything you've done with her...that may be a lot of paper...maybe I'll just takes notes - I don't know. Anyway, love 'em. You're an amazing mother.
Okay, I may be developing an alphabetic inferiority complex---
Darling, darling ideas! This is so cute!
What a creative little mind you have there.
Girl - your ideas never cease to amaze me. LOVE the "lacing beads". I think I could handle that one ;)
Always love the photos with these craft days. You have some great ideas for these activities.
I love that toilet paper/bead necklace idea! :) Perfect for little hands. :)
Not only the cutest little girl will you be ... but absolutely the smartest!
Blessings to you today!
i LOVED these! especially the leopard spots, how cute is she?!
These are such wonderful craft ideas! I'm going to have to start keeping track of them for when my little one's old enough for creative fun like that!
so cute Great ideas as usual
I so have to use the lacing idea for our Cubbie year!!!! I've been looking for inexpensive ideas for comming in time and this is PERFECT. I think I need to check back for inspiration as we finish our ABC book!!!!! Thanks for posting!!!
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