Last week Pepper, one of the bunnies, was missing when we came home from my cousin's house. Either Antonio (the gardener) had forgotten to block off the hole in the cage used for sweeping the cleaning water out, or he had put a wobbly block in front of it that allowed the bunnies to knock it over.
Daddy looked everywhere to no avail, so we surmised that Pepper either got out of the yard into someone's cooking pot or an owl got her. And we resigned ourselves to being a single-bunny household.
But then Grandpa looked outside the window and saw her trying to get back into her cage, all confused because the hole was now blocked off! So we still have two bunnies.
Later this week Ms. Cathrine helped me catch a little bird. Mommy was quite surprised when I brought it in to show her, since she is used to me bringing her grasshoppers, not birds. We put the bird into the cage with the bunnies for a little while. Here it is with Ginger bunny.

And Groban the dog thinks he's Daddy's favorite child. He insists on getting between us all the time and nudges me away whenever he can. Groban likes to hug Daddy by putting his paw on Daddy's shoulder. Here's a photo of Daddy with his two kids . . . Can't you see the resemblances?!

Mozi Esme, you make me smile! You have so much fun!
what a smart bunny you have there!
haha...that picture of Daddy and his two kids is TOO funny. :) What a lucky Daddy!
Glad your bunny is safe!
What an adorable portrait with the dog. He does look like he's staking his claim.
esme, my papaw always told me "if you can sprinkle salt on a birds tail, you can catch it." did you and miss catherine salt the birds tail, tee-hee:?
whew-wee!!! i was worried there for a minute about pepper but then so relieved to read that she was safe and sound and back where she belongs.
while on the topic of your "animal kingdom", your brother, groban is pretty darn funny with his jealousy of you, HA!!! does he make you laugh, too???
much love to you and ALL yours,
A smart and pretty bunny. Love the picture of Hubs and his two 'kids.' Our dogs can be a little possessive and jealous sometimes too.
Very cute and yes I see it!
LOL that is too funny.
Have I told you before how much Esme looks like her daddy??? Goodness it's uncanny.
That photo is just the best! How funny!
I think even the bunnies look like Daddy! tee hee
Blessings to you today, sweet one!
Sweet little animal friends you have there, Esme!! Say hi to your mommy from me... have a great day!!! :-)
Laughing about the dog! Our cat is like that. I tagged your mom, Esme. Maybe you can get her to come read my "Quirky" post for more details!
Funny funny! Although there is a resemblance to both... :) SO cute!
wow you caught a bird that is pretty cool!! love the pic. with the dog! Glad the bunny is ok! :)
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