Mommy put this spotless white outfit on me today. Let's see what we can do to fix it.
Start the day by insisting on a big person cup for your mango smoothie.
(not pictured)
Painting! That's always good for a few marks.

Playing with the dog should result in some paw prints . . .

Practicing gymnastics on the sidewalk for some good old fashioned dirt stains.

Combine some chalk residue with the dirt.

Oooh - half ripe tomatoes in the garden. Let's try a cherry one! It's got some squirt factor . . .
To finish off, we bring you grass stains from our grasshopper (or snake) hunting excursion.

Happy laundry day!
that gymnastics picture is priceless!!! (all of them are, really!) how brave of you with all that white!!
Oh my gosh that's too cute:)
Ok, so you're not just going to toss that? :) Tell me your secret. How in the heck do you keep white clothes white?
That sweet girl has some precious baby feet! (I love little baby feet.)
It hurts my heart to watch my little toddler boys' feet turn into big BOYS' feet. Eeeewwww.
I still love them, of course. I just won't kiss their feet anymore! :-)
She is adorable! I love your blog and thanks for visiting mine! I'll be back to visit. What amazing work you are doing there.
Too funny! White outfits are always so adorable, but gosh darn those stains:)
She's too cute and you told the story well! The white outfits are priceless right! :)
She's so cute! Happy WW! :)
Another great day for an active Esme! Love the gymnastics photo - I think she's showing early signs of becoming America's next top gymnast :)
All she is missing now is mommy's lipstick!
I remember my girls getting in to that many many years ago.
Such lovely photos of your little sweetie getting all messy ~ truly what being a little toddler is all about!!
love and hugs XXX
Too funny and what a little cutie pie!!
Gotta love a girl with a plan!
I'm impressed that she didn't get dirtier!
What a cutie, she definitely knows how much fun getting down and dirty can be. Love the gymnastics shot.
It sounds like she willl have a tie dyed outfit by the edn of the day! So cute- love her gymnastics.
just look at those cute!
what fun! Like Summer and a few others said, I want to know your secret for getting the stains out.
I normally try to spray clothes with Shout right away and wash in warm water when I get around to it, but that doesn't always work.
What a cute little outfit! I love dressing Hailey in things like that but they always end up so dirty! Oh well, that's the life of a toddler!
Livin' With Me
Our Crafts ~N~ Things
What a cute little outfit! I love dressing Hailey in things like that but they always end up so dirty! Oh well, that's the life of a toddler!
Livin' With Me
Our Crafts ~N~ Things
What a cute little outfit! I love dressing Hailey in things like that but they always end up so dirty! Oh well, that's the life of a toddler!
Livin' With Me
Our Crafts ~N~ Things
What a wonderful post... and she did great not to get more dirty! Looks like yall had a wonderful day!
Oh my goodness- I didn't mean to leave all of those comments! I kept hitting "publish your comment" because it wasn't publishing.... but apparently it was publishing! OOPS!
Why DO they make children's clothes in white?
Sure is a cute outfit though :)
She did a great job in her efforts of getting the white out! I love the perspective!!!!
God bless you!!
Happy WW!
What is this "white" you speak of?
I steer clear of the white, you are a brave soul! Love the pictures! Happy WW.
That is precious! My 20 mo old has perfected the gymnastics pose too! Oh, and the staining of the white clothes!
Too cute!
*sigh* you're actually making me miss those times. It's hard to believe now that my girls were ever that small.
she is too cute!
Well, just as long as she had fun in the process! lol!
That's a great series!! Scrapbook material for sure!
Is Wordless Wednesday the same as Word Filled Wednesday? I'm new today and I was not sure which post I should be at...but no matter I so enjoy so little one and her precious photos. Look like she had a wonderful day...sorry about the laundry but what a positive attitude! She looks so pure and lovely in the white even stained much like Jesus washing us
clean! God bless your day! :)
You are just the most talented bebe in all of Mozambique! You can always tell an artist by their clothes!
Dirt must be a universal constant for kids! Found anywhere you find little ones. My daughter can find dirt even in sterile
haha...that's so cute...Tate loooves anything that might involve getting dirty too - him and Esme would make great playmates, I am sure. :)
This was fabulous!!! So just out of hard is it to find spray and wash in your neck of the woods?! lol
Those pictures are so cute! Just think, the white outfits tell the best stories!
esme, i missed this post!!! you look beauty full in your white. i wish i could play and paint with you:)
little princess
so cute
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