Esmé's Grandma won't be arriving on the plane with Grandpa this week. Esmé's great grandma, due to turn 96 on September 12th, isn't doing very well. My mother is in Alberta with her, providing much of the 24-hour care she needs right now. This photo of great grandma was taken last week.

Esmé has never met her great grandma. But she does have this beautiful blanket made by great grandma especially for her a year and a half ago.

My mother writes:
"How does one figure out what is best? We children are trying to carry out our mother’s wishes. She hurts so badly from her compressed back injuries after a fall a month ago that she desires to rest. That means that when she does not feel like eating we should let her decide not to, BUT it hurts so badly to see our mother fade before our eyes. I arrived a week ago, on a Friday night. She was suffering from severe abdomen pain, whenever the process of digestion began, all the way to its end, only then did she have a little rest, to become hungry again and encouraged to eat - by us – which began the painful process again. Nurse Florence said that the injury is causing pain to radiate into the digestive area which affects the body’s ability to digest. We have given mother ibuprofen to dullen the pain which has done so.
Last evening she didn’t want to eat any more of that applesauce we use to put that medicine in, so her night has been a long, long one. This morning she has taken some cold water and cranberry juice, and as I sit here watching her breathe those shallow breaths, I pray that she will not have to suffer much longer – yet I do not want her to leave us. We love her and owe her so much for her loving care of us children. Such is life in this sin-sick world. We have given her permission to go. It is OK, but it hurts!
. . . I have decided to focus on ‘heaven’ today – a place of freedom from suffering, a place of happy communion with Jesus, a place where we will be together with our lost on earth loved ones. I pray that we are all longing for Jesus' coming to end all suffering. Let’s be ready."
"Now God’s home is with people! He will live with them, and they shall be his people. God himself will be with them, and he will be their God. He will wipe away all tears from their eyes. There will be no more death, no more grief or crying or pain. The old things have disappeared." Revelation 21:3-4, GNT
I am keeping you and your family in my thoughts and prayers this week.
Thanks for visiting me and leaving a wonderful comment. It seems like just the other day my Cassie was the same age as your Esme. We used to make guitars also...I miss those crafts days!!
I love the picture of Esme and the dog walking away...priceless..
I will be back, great blog!!
I am sorry to hear that your grandmother is not doing well. I will keep her and your family in my prayers.
I'm sorry. We just recently went through something similar with my grandpa and it's really hard, but we too remembered daily the he was on his way to a pain free Heaven.
It's still hard to say goodbye, but so beautiful that you and your mother are focusing on life ever-lasting.
Prayers to you,
Wow, what a beautiful and heartfelt letter from you mother. I can't imagine how tough it is to be in that situation. My Mom went through the same thing with her mom in 2001....its not easy to watch your mom go through this either! My prayers are with your family!
Your mother's letter is so touching. My husband asked why I had tears in my eyes. I can only imagine how torn she must feel.
I am sorry Esme's going to miss out on this visit and hope they can reschedule soon.
Thanks for the award. I'll be sharing it myself later this week.
As a nursing facility social worker, your grandmother's situation is one I have seen many, many times. Your family should be commended for how you are caring for your grandmother. After the many ways I have seen families travel the end of life with a loved one, I would choose to walk with my loved one, as your mother is walking with your grandmother. You and your family will be in my prayers.
bless you all, j. it is so hard watching suffrage but even harder to let go... grandmothers and children are God's greatest gifts. they are love embodied:)
I'm sorry to hear about your grandma. All I can say is, remember that love never dies.
That is a beautiful blanket. Looks like Esme likes it.
I'm sorry your grandmother is in such pain, and that it's such a hard time for your family right now.
I will be praying for your family.
My thoughts and prayers are with your family!
I am so sorry to hear about your grandma. I will keep your family in my thoughts and prayers. That is a beautoful blanket. Eliza has one from her gram that she never met. It means a lot to me that she has it.
Oh, what a beautiful post. My daughter had such a blanket and looked like your angel when she slept under it. Love comes through each stitch, and babies know it.
Very beautiful post and triggered me some thinking!
I know this must be a trying time. So many memories . . .
Keeping your family in my thoughts and prayers.
The blanket is beautiful. J has a blanket that his great uncle made for him before he passed away. I'm so glad he has such a beautiful (he was an amazing knitter!) gift.
May she feel strong and lively...
I am so sorry for this difficult time your family is passing. thinking of and praying for you and yours... may God grant you all Hos strength, comfort, peace, hope, and increased faith during this time...
Through your time of trial you took time to give words of comfort to me...thank you ... and so amazingly God. I will take time to pray for you today...that His peace which surpasses all understanding is with you all.
my prayers are with you and the family. this is quite fresh in my mind as i just lost my grandpa. i love that you have a blanket from her for your child. it's so sweet and something you will cherish for the years to come...
I'm sad your family has to go through this difficult time.
My thoughts and prayers are with your grandma and the entire family.
You and yours will be in my prayers.... it is a difficult time.....
The blanket is beautiful. Handmade with love, I know.
Thanks for visiting my blog. Yours is a very warm and welcoming blog. I will be back!
In Christ,
Praying for your mother today.
I sat with my grandmother while my grandfather was dying, and I understand the pain of seeing it happen. But I am so thankful for Jesus, and the hope we can have in Him.
May He be Comfort for all of you!
I am so sorry about grandma. That is so hard. The blanket is so beautiful and will be a comforting hug from her when needed.
Im so sorry thats so hard
Beautiful blanket & I love the hat on your grandma. Best wishes & prayers to you!
I firmly believe that no matter how hard it is to be the ones doing the watching, it is a true act of love to be with a loved one while these last moments play out-whether the last moments are, in fact, moments or days or weeks. There is beauty and grace, and your mom and others will be so, so blessed. My thoughts are with all of you!
I firmly believe that no matter how hard it is to be the ones doing the watching, it is a true act of love to be with a loved one while these last moments play out-whether the last moments are, in fact, moments or days or weeks. There is beauty and grace, and your mom and others will be so, so blessed. My thoughts are with all of you!
What a sweet doll-baby! Hey, thanks for participating in the Silly Summer Sunday Sweepstakes yesterday! I hear we have a Bloggy Friend--tara r.--in common! I gave you a shout-out today; hope to read more about your adventures in Mozambique!
A beautiful and heart wrenching post. It is so hard to watch loved ones die. How wonderful to have had her for so hard to watch her go. My mother is currently going through something similar with her mother. Your mother's thoughts were beautiful. Thanks for posting them.
(BTW - thanks for visiting my blog.)
Oh, my heart hurts for your family right is so not easy to watch a dear family member suffer so much. Praying for your family for strength. Your grandmother looks so sweet. :)
Your mom writes so well. I think that is something the majority of us will have to stuggle with at some point, learning to let go of a parent. However, she sounds secure enough in her faith that it will carry her through. I will be thinking of you and your family. God bless.
I am keeping you and your family in my thoughts and in my prayers.. I think that is very sweet your little one has a blanket made by her great grandma, that's special!!
What a heartfelt letter from your mom. It does stir up emotions of warmth and sadness, so bittersweet, and touching.
I pray your grandmother, will feel at peace from her suffering.
and I am sorry to hear about your grandmother, I will keep her and your family in my thoughts and prayers.
How peaceful Esme looks, like a sleeping angel!
So sorry to hear about Esme's great grandma - we will remember you all in our prayers.
Aww I will be praying!
Know that you and Esme will miss seeing your Mother this week but she is where she needs to be. It is a blessing that she can be with her mother at this time and when she can be with you and Esme again she can be refreshed with the love you share. May you all know the comfort of God's love now.
I will be praying for your family!
hi Esme and Esme's mummy thankyou for popping around to my blog and leaving kind words :)
I am sorry to come on your blog and hear that one of your family is not doing so well. Prayers for your family and hugs from a sister in Christ!
And thankyou for your inspiring blog I shall come back to visit :)
Thinking of you and your mom. What a hard place to be, yet a beautiful focus for your mom to have.
I always think of that song, "I can only imagine..." and try to imagine my loved one worshipping at the feet of Jesus, being embraced by His love.
I am so sorry to hear. My heart breaks reading this. Your grandmother is in my thoughts and prayers. As well as your family.
You are in my thoughts and prayer. My own mother is dealing with the slow down of my 90 year old grandmother. Grandma is supposed to be in a "bounce back" rehab program at a nursing home in my mom's town, but Grandma has given up. She just wants to go back to her hometown to be with her friends until she dies. She doesn't get that it could be another 5 years till she dies if she would just give her rehab and therapy a try. It's so hard to watch your own mom go through this. I'm praying for you guys.
Oh I am so sorry, especially since you are so far away.
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