On Saturday I promised I would show you my tempera paintings. Here's my gallery. Mommy decided to try the Rorschach method on some of these for fun. There are two paper mosaics too, since I wanted to use the glue so bad.

While we're on the subject of art, here is my writing on the wall. I'm only allowed to do this in the art room - don't worry!
And hair art, too! 
Now that my art show is out of the way, I wanted to pass on a "Sharing the Love" award that came from Summer. This award is in honor of a heart donor - click on the button below for the full story.

Now that my art show is out of the way, I wanted to pass on a "Sharing the Love" award that came from Summer. This award is in honor of a heart donor - click on the button below for the full story.

The rules of this award are: SHARE THE LOVE!!! Share this award with all those blogs out there that you love. All the people who make you smile. All those that make you laugh. All those that make your day. All those that leave uplifting comments on your blog. **All I ask, is that you include a link to this post with the award and ask your recipient to do the same**
So - passing it on to: Lis Garrett, New Mommy Rant, Not Before 7, Random Thoughts, Sincerely Anna, Sunshine on My Shoulders, The Artful Parent, The Laughs Will Go On, WhatNot, Zoe
And there are MANY more who deserve the award, I know. We're just tryin' to keep the post a reasonable length.
Oh! Thanks! That is so sweet. I had this one before, but I am not one to refuse some bloggy love! Thank you so much!
Beautiful artwork! I used to draw on the walls too. That was fun!
An art room with walls meant for drawing on? Brilliant!
Aww...thanks for the award! Oh...and I love the food art...and the hair art too! hehe. :)
I love the artwork!
Love the artwork!
The artwork is great, and I especially love how you have a wall dedicated to drawing. Is that just tile??
And thank you for the award! I am so honored!!
What a cute little artist! She is gonna be making lots of money for the pieces of work when she is older.
I love the way you set up your site from the persective of your child - I will be sure to come back and feast on your pictures and thoughts here in the future. :)
You're a very expressive artist indeed! Love your wall art especially! lol
too cute!!
Thanks for sharing the love to me! What a cute little artist you have!
Yay! Thank you so much for the bloggy love. I think you are on to something with that food art!
Wow - thank you for the bloggy love :)
Love her projects. They are so wonderful. Inspiring, as always.
Love the food art!
What fun artwork - all of it!! Very fun. :)
Thanks for linking up and "getting dirty" with us!
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