And Daddy danced with me. I visited his workshop and he told all the workers how blessed he was to have such a wonderful daughter. I love my Daddy.

Backing up to the weekend – I promised I would tell you about that. Friday night we had supper at my cousins' house. The Pauls were here this weekend from Nelspruit, and I had fun playing with them. Kelly likes to carry me around, and Jonathan loves to help me skateboard.
Sabbath we went to Liberdade school for its dedication. It is Marantha's first school here, and the second Adventist school in the country. Lots of people were there, including some from the government, and people talked and sang for a long long long long long long long time. I met Mr. Antonio's two girls – he was the guard at our old house in Sommerschield. I haven't seen him for a long time. He works in Daddy's shop now. I saw Bella and Joshua there too.
So now the school is up and in use. Auntie Susan says there are 80 students there so far – just in preschool and 1st grade. They will add more grades later.
In the afternoon after a big big big big big big lunch, we went to the beach. It was very windy and wavy, so I didn't get to go in the water. I just got blown around by the sand. There were enough clothes blowing around the beach to open a 2nd hand store. Probably from people hanging their clothes on bushes to dry, then losing them to the wind.
Sunday Daddy had to work and play soccer (it's part of his job – the shop team against the Liberdade team). So Mommy and I went to visit my cousins and then to the house where the Pauls will be staying when they move here. It is easy to walk there (especially if you get pushed in a stroller).
Then we went to my cousins' house for supper again. I ate a hot dog. It was yummy.
So now we've covered the weekend. I'll try to get to the Nelspruit trip in my next blog, and then we'll be all caught up.
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