Tuesday, November 6, 2007


I now have four teeth! My two new teeth are coming in on top, but are the teeth next to the middle instead of the middle ones. Mommy says I may just be a poster child for the "All I Want for Christmas" song. They still help me bite on fingers and other body parts really well, though.

I am doing new things every day! Today I kept trying to put my baby doll's thumb into her mouth. Then I kept kissing my busy bee mirror - that baby in there is just too cute!

Daddy bought me a bright blue Lil Bratz swimming suit today. Now I can match the color of the pool water. Gotta be color coordinated, you know.

I also tried fizzy drink for the first time. It was Just Juice sparkling kiwi juice. I kept trying it a couple of times to try to figure out what was wrong with it, and then decided I wanted a banana instead. I really like bananas - I haven't had any for a while.