Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Review/Giveaway: Three Cups

Three CupsTitle: Three Cups
Author: Mark St. Germain
Genre: Children's book (ages 4-8)
How to enter: Leave a comment! If you're a subscriber or a follower, leave a second comment for a second entry.
Entry deadline: May 25, 2010
Restrictions: Open internationally.

Publisher: AuthorHouse
Physical Description: 25-page illustrated hardcover
List Price: $10.00
ISBN: 978-0979456305
For More Info/To Purchase:  http://www.3cupsbook.com/

As new parents, my wife and I wanted to find a way to teach our children about money, so we agreed on using a weekly allowance to accomplish this. We thought it equally important to teach our children good values as related to money (saving, spending and charity) to help them develop positive habits early on that would last them the rest of their lives. This was when we came up with the idea of using three cups. We've tried to teach our children that it is not how much money you have that is important, it's how you use it. The three cups we have given them have led us on many wonderful adventures together and have brought our family a lot of joy. We hope you will experience the same joy, excitement and success using three cups with your children... and will share the Three Cups story with others.
- Tony Townsley, CPA
About This Author:
This endearing, true story of love, responsibility and charity is retold tenderly by Mark St. Germain whose stage, television and screenwriting credits include: Camping with Henry and Tom, Gifts of the Magi, The Cosby Show, and the critically acclaimed motion picture Duma.
What Mom Liked:

I love the concept of this book - it's a great introduction to children who are just learning how to manage their money/allowance.  Attractive and nicely written, it introduces allowances and saving/spending/charity in a way young children can understand, with all the little details that intrigue children.

And the concept of making a difference with your money is absolutely something I want to share with my daughter!  I love the charity cup.

There is also a nice short parent's guide at the back of the book with steps for implementing a Three Cups plan.

What Mom Didn't Like:

The sepia/brown graphics and illustrations, while very attractive from my point of view, didn't grab my daughter's attention.  Perhaps we need a girl's version - with pink princesses and ponies!

Other than that, I've got no negatives.  This is definitely a book we'll be using when we start with allowances. 

Thanks to Tony Townsley for the review copy of this book.  We won a second book through another blog giveaway, so we are giving this copy away!


Ticia said...

You didn't say how to enter, so I'm going to assume it's like on Winning Readings, and leave a comment.
Sounds a lot like the Dave Ramsey stuff, who I LOVE!

Richard Lawry said...

Sounds like a great book

An Arkies Musings

thesehappydays said...

My twins are 3 and I've already spent a lot of time thinking about how I'm going to introduce them to budgeting (at an early age!). Sounds like this book is a good place to start.

Annette W. said...

I am definitely thinking about buying this book. I also thought the cover was not very child-friendly.

Annette W. said...

I follow you!

Brooke said...

would make a great gift for my niece who's turning 6 this month!

Brooke said...


apple blossom said...

Love to win this book. Thanks
ABreading4fun [at] gmail [dot] com

apple blossom said...

I'm a subscriber
ABreading4fun [at] gmail [dot] com

Anonymous said...

I'd love for my grandson to have this book.


mverno said...

i would get it for my son mverno@roadrunner.com

Linda Kish said...

I would love to read this book.

lkish77123 at gmail dot com

KR said...

I'd love this for my kindergarten class.


wmmahaney said...

I would love this for my boys.

Unknown said...

Please enter me.

ebeandebe at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

I am following.

jdaniel4smom at aol dot com

Jlefkovenj said...

Sounds like a great book.

Nickolay said...

My son would love this book. It would be perfect for him. Thanks for the chance


Nickolay said...

Blog follower



Anonymous said...

This book would be for my nieces!


Anonymous said...

Can't wait to read this book
Diane Baum

susansmoaks said...

our daughter will enjoy this book
susansmoaks at gmail dot com

Michelle B said...

This sounds like a book that my daughter would like to read

Trina said...

This sounds like something that would be good to read with my son who just turned 6.

sula_nsb said...

sounds like a good book
thanks for the chance