Since she’s had a perpetual cold lately and we are working on eating healthier foods, I’ve kept putting her off, but finally she got through my battle lines and I decided to hunt down a vegan sugar cookie recipe. I modified it further by cutting down on the sugar and using whole wheat flour instead of white.
She helped me pour the ingredients and run the mixer, then (rather impatiently) waited two hours for it to to set in the refrigerator a bit.
And then the fun began. Rolling and cutting, just like with the play dough. Except…
…I usually say no on the inevitable “Can I taste it?” question, but since there were no raw eggs in this dough, I figured a little wouldn’t hurt her. So I got to say “Yes!”
And boy, did she go to town. I think she ate more raw than she put on the baking sheet. (The baked stuff went down really well, too, though.)
(I researched a possible raw flour/constipation connection later at someone’s concern, and decided since it was whole wheat flour, that was probably fine, also. No noted problems here, anyways.)
Conclusion: Sometimes fulfilling every kid’s dream of edible play dough really isn’t such a bad thing. She can learn a few homemaking skills and be subject to a few dietary lessons as part of the process… And it’s fun to say “Yes!”
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