- One Little, Two Little, Three Little Pilgrims by B. G. Hennessy. My favorite. Mommy says this is the perfect book for introducing a toddler to Thanksgiving. Not too many words, lots of activity in the illustrations, and a good overview of the first Thanksgiving. She even had to learn how to pronounce Wampanoag over and over.
- Feast for 10 by Cathryn Falwell. Not absolutely a Thanksgiving book - they even have chicken, not turkey - but it's got some good counting practice.
- Little Tom Turkey by Frances Bloxam. A fun book in rhyme about a tom turkey - lots of nature facts incorporated.
- Silly Tilly's Thanksgiving Dinner by Lillian Hoban. A little long, but I didn't mind reading it cuz it was fun.
- 1621: A New Look at Thanksgiving by Catherine O'Neill Grace and Margaret M. Bruchac with Plimoth Plantation. Lots of authentic photographs for me to look at, and lots of facts for Mommy to read...
- Cranberry Thanksgiving by Wende and Harry Devlin. Not my cup of tea - Mommy says maybe when I'm older. Though I wouldn't mind some famous cranberry bread with my tea.
On to thrift store finds. Mommy's favorite: a globe for $4.50 that will go in my new schoolhouse. If you come visit, I'll show you where I live! (Mommy's note: It's as likely to be Algeria or Australia as it is to be Oregon...)

And a doll cradle. The jury's still out on whether we'll paint it and keep it, or whether we'll return it and make our own. In the meantime, it's getting lots of use!
The cat tried it out first.

Then the doll got in.

Then I cuddled the doll as she slept.

Then I got in myself!

- Pink Dresses
- Kitty cats
- Daddy
- You!
- I don't know!
we have a lot of Thanksgiving day books here. Three of the boys favorites are: Clifford's Puppy Days Thanksgiving Feast by Quinlan B Lee, Feeling Thankful by Shelly Rotner and Sheila Kelly, and Thanks for Thanksgiving by Julie Markes
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