I've just finished reading a book that reminded me of this: No matter how busy I get with all the Mommy duties I try to accomplish every day, the most important thing I can do is pray for my child.
Now, I've been thinking about prayer a little bit after reading Stellan's MckMama's post about the point of prayer. If I'm not praying, does it mean God won't intervene in my daughter's life? If my daughter doesn't turn out "right" (and who can actually define that?), does it mean I didn't pray enough? Or is prayer a matter of aligning myself more in God's will and perhaps being a better mom, better able to represent God's love to my child no matter what choices she makes or what challenges she faces?
While God's greatness is a little beyond my complete comprehension, I did enjoy reading the book When Moms Pray Together: True Stories of God's Power to Transform Your Child by Fern Nichols. This Focus on the Family paperback is published by Tyndale House Publishers and is 256 pages. The purpose of the book is to inspire and equip mothers to pray more consistently and hopefully for their children while encouraging them through the stories from moms everywhere. You can find more information or purchase for $13.99 on the Tyndale House Publishers site.
Each of the 25 stories speaks to a specific circumstance. Praying while in prison, praying for a severely disabled or ill child, a sexually-assaulted child, a drug-addicted child, or a child who has committed suicide - these are all situations where moms have found power in prayer. If you're going through a difficult situation as a mom, this book has a story for you. Each story ends with a verse and a prayer.
And while I have not had to deal with any of these specific situations yet, I can certainly relate to the prayer at the end of the first chapter:
"Lord, watching our children step out into the world when we know danger awaits them may be the hardest thing we mothers do. But we know that You promise to be with them, that they are never out of Your presence, and that nothing is too difficult for You to handle! Please surround them with protection, and watch over us as well. Settle our hearts with peace and faith. We are so glad You know the big picture. Thank You. Amen."
Fern Nichols, the author of the book, is founder and president of Moms in Touch International, and MITI features prominently throughout the book. While I appreciate the emphasis on praying together as moms, I'm a little bummed that there are no MITI groups in our school district! And child care issues prevent me from joining any of the local women's groups in our church district. I need something like a virtual mom's prayer group that meets at 4 a.m. in jammies...
I don't know about you, but I'm excited to see how God will work in my daughter's life! I'm praying for big miracles. But mostly, I'm praying that I'll be the mom God made me to be.
Thanks to Tyndale House Publishers for the review copy of this book, on tour through Mama Buzz.
There is no MOPs either? Those usually come with child care.
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