"Mommy taste." This said as she tries to put her toes in my mouth during a diaper change.
"Doing?" Translated, it means "what are you doing?" and can be used multiple ways depending on the tone of voice.
"Ewwww! Hearts! My!" Said during our multiple Valentine's craft activities. She's obviously quite happy to see the hearts, but sounds totally disgusted!
"Spit out." This one is no longer quite as cute as it used to be. Miss Esmé has the habit of spitting out her food after it has been well chewed. Maybe a new weight management study? But the fact that she informs us does prove rather useful, as when she was putting away the candy conversation hearts we were using for a craft. I pointed to two candies that still needed to be boxed, but she saved me from having those slimy sweeties mixed in with the rest by informing me they were "spit out." (And no - eating the candies was NOT part of the craft exercise.)
"Nummy!" As in "Nummy food!" "Nummy truck!" "Nummy picture!" "Nummy doll!" "Nummy boy!" We finally figured out this simply means "Nice!"
"All empty!" A sweet variation on the tried-and-true "all done" phrase.
"Mommy turn!" Never one to hog some special activity, is she? So Mommy has to take turns spinning on the office chair, taking a bite of a sandwich, rocking a doll, and much much more.
Here's a shot of our doll-faced Esmé visiting her cousins' doll last week...

Oh my gosh, Esme...that picture is just too cute, my sweet one. Happy Tuesday to you! Hugs from Florida!
Very cute :) It's so fun to see how toddler's use language. I know what you mean about "mommy's turn". Svara does the same thing
So sweet. And what a great photo!
sigh, she is so sweet it makes me smile just to see her!
ooo I love hearing all the toddler expressions. My son is 21 months and its amazing how fast they pick things up :-)
reminds me of so many years ago --my little one would say
push me too high (she meant, push me more mommy)
Give me too much (she wanted more ice cream)
It still makes me smile to think about
Great pic!
Esme...its always fun trying to figure out what you little tots are saying. ;)
a girl & her baby.
so precious. sweet. Ahhhhh.
Here by way of Pamela. Your little girl is such a cutie pie. Blessings to you for all the important work you are doing there.
Mommy taste during a diaper change??? Hmmmmm.....
Love these, especially the "Nummy" phrase!
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