Not only did the little miss figure out how to write her second letter this week (think "down, up"), she also drew this masterpiece of a face for the first time, telling us as she was drawing where the eyes, nose, mouth, chin, and hair were. She drew circles for ears, too, but erased them before I could get a photo.
Check those eyes out! I thought kids were supposed to draw dots for eyes!

Very nice picture, Esme! :)
Great picture! Brag away, Mama!
very cute!
such talent!
nice looking face! great job!
Yay Esme!! That's great you were able to get a picture of it before it was erased! Svara tells me what she draws, but so far it's just scribbles and totally doesn't look like what she says it is. I'm looking forward to that first face, though!
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