Now they are delaying opening the state schools this year. And the Minister of Education has forced the private schools to remain closed, also.
I think the big purple dude's got the right idea. Everybody love each other, and we'll all learn our shapes and numbers just fine. I say let's put Barney on the next Zimbabwe election ballot!
I know a lot of ya'll have banned Barney from your house, and Daddy's getting even sicker as I lounge and cough in front of my Barney DVD replaying over and over. So Mommy & I are going to make an emergency run into town to get some alternative sicktime entertainment.
Speaking of Barney, I got to go see him in person at Century City in South Africa last month! Here are some photos.
Me and cousin Emy totally mesmerized. Ouma, not so much.

Emy clapping for the purple dude.

He's got my total attention. See the crowd!

Thomas the Train was there, too.
Regardless of whether we LIKE the Purple Guy or not, he seems to be inevitably a part of toddlerhood, and hey, it could be worse. It could be a toddler Sponbebon; tell your daddy that! You are so pretty, and your cousin is as well!
ugh Barney. E doesn't know who he is yet!
precious photos of the kids.
(so hard to hear about Zimbabwe)
These photos are so bright and cheery... and as always Esmé is a doll.
the color clarity is awesome too.
what kind of camera do you have?
My kids LOVED Barney. He made my life easier when they were little!
So cool you got to see 'Barney', Esme! Your cousins all loved him for awhile when they were small too - and learned fun songs as well. Nice to see your cute cousins and Ouma! Glad you are having fun on your holiday!
Hi, Esme!
I'm happy that you saw Barney. My near-20 year old son and my 16 year old son both loved Barney. Their older sisters groaned, but their children have all enjoyed Barney now, too.
He's a fun way to learn. My special needs guy quickly picked up his days of the week through Barney. I like the purple guy, too.
What adorable pictures!! Even though Barney drives us adults crazy, he sure it fun for the kids!
What adorable pictures!! Even though Barney drives us adults crazy, he sure it fun for the kids!
My oldest LOVED LOVED LOVED Barney. The old episodes are the very best if you can find them. The new ones don't hold a candle! I'm so glad we recorded a few, at least...
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