I know what it is to be in need and what it is to have more than enough. I have learned this secret, so that anywhere, at any time, I am content, whether I am full or hungry, whether I have too much or too little. I have the strength to face all conditions by the power that Christ gives me. Philippians 4:12-13
I’m back. Sort of. I still will probably stress over blogging from time to time, but I have cleared out Google Reader, and we’ll see how we do this time around . . .

- Sometimes I feel annoyed with content people. They could accomplish so much more with a little discontent in their lives, you know?
- Hot chocolate, while giving a feeling of contentment during the drinking, has a whole lot of calories. Especially combined with banana chocolate cake. Rooibos tea – not so much.
- Watching a baby wake up in the morning is a great source of contentment. As is cuddling the baby and nuzzling my nose into her fluffy, out-of-control wispy hair.
- Exercising does NOT give me a feeling of contentment. I’m not into pain and torture. Being done with exercising – that’s the ticket!
- Driving is an expensive path to contentment, given gas prices these days. Speeding tickets and flat tires add to the cost. But when I’m in stressful situations, a nice long drive with music helps me put things in perspective. For many years my commute to work was at least ½ hour, and driving was my time to unwind. I actually miss the commute.
- Did you catch music in that last number? Yep, music plays a big role in my attitude towards life. I need to get me an ipod or something with big headphones.
- Having a clean kitchen and something baking in the oven at the same time is heavenly.
- As is being organized. My to-do list might be a mile long, but if I feel like everything is on there, I can relax. Here’s to spending 15 minutes a day doing nothing but organizing my to-do list, instead of “just doing it now” and ending up sidetracked to Timbuktu while life is going on and my to-do list is getting hopelessly outdated.
- Hot showers are great for contentment. “Hot” being the operative word. While in the steam, I can forget about all else except that hot feeling.
- I love chatting endlessly over some philosophical point, with both parties engaged in the subject but not personally so.
- There is nothing wrong with burying yourself in the bed covers and hiding from the world for a little while. Try it. You’ll discover the world goes on just fine without you – surprise surprise.
- It is much easier to write love letters and connect with friends and relish others’ blog posts when you’re not scrambling to come up with the next blog post idea.
- Waiting on the Lord – that’s the way to get there. When you are in desperate need of time in abundance, the best thing to do is stop and enjoy the moment. It sure is hard sometimes, but it is worth the wait.
And here’s Miss Esmé, perfectly content on rubber ducky wings, minus the eagle feathers.

I am glas you are back, and agree with many of the things on your list. Besides the whole list concept. I LIKE lists, a lot, I just have a hard time using them. That Scripture you quoted is one of my favorites, and is such a great comfort and reminder to me.
Nice to see you. Lovely post!
I'm glad to see that your break served you well :)
I just noticed the "followers" thing on your sidebar. I'm heading over to follow you around...
I do...
Sugar Free Hot Chocolate
& Fiber One Oats & Chocolate Bar
(i'm a WW have to watch those calories... i mean points)
I am with you...
the exercising does not bring me contentment... the finishing it for the day does. Ü
A hot shower...
oh that sounds good. i gotta get on the treadmill first. then i will be contented twice over.
I like a drive especially in a rainstorm. My mother used to do this and she passed the love of the rain to all seven of her girls.
I so enjoy your thought provoking posts... I missed you... but I also understand.
we have that same duck around here. Can I have whipped cream on my hot chocolate? I might as well go fattening all the way, right?
i'm sure this will come as no great surprise to you; but i am very guilty of being content... but, at His beck and call, i am here to serve:)
i hope that you enjoyed your sabbatical, my dear friend!!!
ps i love, love, love miss esme's photo of contentment:D
glad you're back!
I never thought about your point #1, but I think you're right!
Hmmmmm....I'll have to ponder that for a while.
So nice to see a post from you! :) And what a great one...sounds like your bloggy break put things into perspective for you...something we can all use, I think.
Esme is so gorgeous!
I love your list! It makes me feel cozy.
Nice list. Happy TT.
Interesting take on contentment. For me, when I say I'm content, I don't mean complacent. I just mean I'm very pleased with how my life's going and with what I have.
Great list! :o)
You're so introspective...I feel like I don't have a second throughout the day to just....think!
Wonderful list and I have missed you so and also understand about the stresses of blogging...
It's good to see you back. I can fully understand the break you took. Blogging and all those communications can take a heavy toll. It is sometimes so hard to find the right balance. I think we all hope that the right mix for you will include at least some occasional up-dates on your life in Mozambique.
Glad you're back! I think the iPod is a great idea. I try not to drive very often, and at times I really miss singing to my favorite songs.
Glad you are feeling better!
Great list! My contentment comes from knowing that I do not have to be content with this world. This world is not my home.... And I'm glad!
Have a blessed day!
My ipod is my savior anywhere I go! Work, Walking, even in the car! They maybe a little expensive, but oh how they are worth it :)
My TT- www.bethannestrasser.blogspot.com
hmmm...now, chocolate banana cake sure sounds like 100% contentment to me! I had such a craving for rich dark chocolate cake with a cup of pure roast coffee with full cream milk!
Great list and that cake, goodness does it look good :)
Nice post and sweet cake.
Nice post and sweet cake.
Love your comment about the To-Do list. I'm the same way. As long as everything is written down I feel so much better.....thanks for stopping by my blog today :-)
I love #7 and #10...how true!!!!
Great words...well written!
True contentment is hard to get!
-Sandy Toes
I like the 13 things you learned :) Now the exercise one...I could have let you in on that little secret LOL
Thanks for the post on contentment - I think the waiting on the Lord is a huge one - especially for me right now!
yay for empty google reader...when I get to stressed I delete and start over again!
I LOVE #1 - if we were all always content, we'd never wish or hope for new ideas!
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