I know what it is to be in need and what it is to have more than enough. I have learned this secret, so that anywhere, at any time, I am content, whether I am full or hungry, whether I have too much or too little. I have the strength to face all conditions by the power that Christ gives me. Philippians 4:12-13
I was in the middle of writing a Thursday 13 post on things that make me feel content when I realized that blogging is not one of them.
There are always more posts to write, always better ways to write them. There are always more comments to check out and emails to respond to - down to 303 right now after a week of feverishly trying to catch up on a month's worth of them. There are always more posts in my Google Reader - 483 at the moment. There are awards to pass on and memes to play. There are links to check out and stories to follow up on. And there are meandering blogging trails to follow.
A blogger's work is never done.
I don't stress out over how much I have in the way of material possessions. I think I can relate to Paul's observation above in that regard. But I'm not always so content with how much time I have. I want MORE time. I want to accomplish MORE. Just look at last Thursday's post and you'll see what I mean.
So I'm taking a quick break. I'm going to focus on the things that make me content. And maybe find a way to be content with my blogging status, regardless of how "behind" I am.
I'll be back. Soon, I hope. Because blogging does give me a feeling of fulfillment. And I love catching up on all your lives and spending time wandering through the bloggy world.
In the meantime, I'm off to drink my hot chocolate/chikree/soy milk mix, read a good book, read some blogs without stressing over "catching up," and spend time with this cute little face and her Daddy.

I say click on "mark as read" and go on from there. I'm sure most will understand if you don't reply to every post, if you don't spend your time reading about their lives. Most bloggers blog because they enjoy it, not because they need their egos stroked by people they don't know. You should feel like you can post when you want, reply when you want... and not be judged because you don't do it on a daily basis!
your family and life need to come way before your blog and certainly before anyone else's blog!
I think a lot of people are feeling the same way! I know I am.
Don't you find though that just as soon as you think you'll actually take a break, something awesome happens in life or with kids and you think, Ohhh, I just have to blog that?
I was just coming to your site to tell you that you won my precious moments club book giveaway! Don't at all feel like you have to blog about it. Enjoy the break. But, do send your address via regular e-mail for me to send it to you.
God's blessings and Peace to you.
I'll be awaiting your return. =)
Enjoy that break!
Enjoy your break. When blogging becomes a chore I hit delete on my reader and relax!
I love Esmé in 'pinky-blue' (that is what my daughter Yvette called purple when she was little).
I love this post on contentment or being content. My husband and I admire the people of Denmark. They have the title of being the 'happiest people on earth'. Do you know why? Their expectations are low. By having low expectations one is rarely disappointed. It is a very sad reality that here in America that the bar is set so high that we are constantly persuing something more... when I think we really just need to be content.
I am going to post a link to your insightful post today.
Enjoy your break! We'll be here when you get back.
Of course I find your blog just as you are taking a break but actually I admire you more for it. It's not always an easy thing to do, so good for you.
I will check back again later and I hope you find what you need!
Oh my goodness - yes! I was trying to explain this concept (that a blogger's work is never done) to my husband just last night. Trying to find a balance between fulfilling and obligation is so hard. I hope you have a wonderful break.
Oh how I feel this way too. You said it so well. Yes, hit mark all as read and take a break. No guilt. There will always be more. Later. :)
I'll miss you but you know we all take these breaks, I've had to mark everything as read many times and start over.
Enjoy your time with the family :)
Enjoy your time off. I hope to see you back soon, but no matter, I'll be glad to see you when we can.
When my reader gets like that- I click on mark all as read and start fresh. I just can't always keep up. Bloggy breaks are good from time to time. I feel the same way right now- bloggy just isn't as important as it used to be but at the same time I don't want to stop completely. Enjoy your time with family and the important things in life.
What a cutie
That verse has been my personal challenge for this year. Enjoy your break!
Your daughter is a cutie!
You deserve a break! Very cute pic!!
Enjoy your break!
It definitely sounds like you need a break. Enjoy your time!
I totally understand what you're feeling! I enjoy blogging. But there are always more posts to write, more blogs to visit and comment on, etc, etc.
It's good to take a break. I pray that it is a refreshing break for you!
That is one cute kid! No wonder everything else kinda pales on the contentment scale :)
I find blogging to be a stressor only if you let it get in your head. Remember, once you shut the comp down and walk away, the blog world doesn't exist. It's a nice way to maintain your sanity as a blogger.
Totally understand this post! :) Good for you in your prioritising. It's hard sometimes.
Great post and enjoy all of the beautiful things in your life.
I'm so with you on this one. I always feel behind.
I forgot to add.....enjoy your break!
Three words: Mark As Read. Becuase if it stops being fun you should take steps to either stop it completely or make it fun again. No pressure, just enjoying what you WANT to enjoy.
Enjoy your break! I know sometimes blogging can feel like a chore. I took a break earlier this year, and it was great. I decided I was only going to do as much blogging as was fun. Because otherwise, I felt, why bother?
hi, j:)
i'm back from a short breat, myself. can you believe there was no wireless at the lake??? tee-hee:b
i hope you are enjoying esme and your hubby... oh, yeah, and your book and hot chocolate!!! i also hope you are extremely content.
oh do i know what you mean!!! good for you, blogging should be fun, mostly, not work. take your time!
I love that picture!!!
I was truck when I realise that Paul was saying that he LEARN to be content so I know I'm a slow learner but learning is a process!!!!
1) Love the closing picture
2) I can completely relate
3) I just wrote a post about contentment last night! LOL
Enjoy your little vacation from blogging! It can all get too overwhelming sometimes, and it is supposed to be fun - not a chore.
Enjoy your much deserved break! And what a precious photo!
Enjoy your much deserved break! And what a precious photo!
Very good and thought provoking post.
I feel the same way sometimes...a bloggers work is never done. Isn't that just the truth. Good for you for taking a little break - enjoy!
So glad you are joining me in "My One Month"! Can't wait to read what you write...
Everyone needs a break... and, everyone deserves one.
Everyone needs a break... and, everyone deserves one.
We'll miss you! Hope you're back soon.
good for you for knowing when to take a break. take care!
many blessings during your time away...i totally get what you're saying...and look forward to your return.
Many blessings to you! Your daughter is darling! Somehow I stumbled upon your blog-wow-you are far away!!! cool!!!
I will miss you but I totally understand. I needed a break awhile back and took it.
A little break is sometimes a very welcome thing. Hope you are enjoying!
Hey you, just wanted to say hello. No need to respond -- hope you and the fam are well! Give my love to Moz.
Thanks for visiting my blog!! (and thank you for admiring our sweet new one!!) I'm new to blogging - I had no idea it could get to be something like work that but after reading all the people that relate to your post I guess I need to be on guard. Right now I am loving the creative outlet it gives me - I used to write all the time just cause I loved it but it has been years since I wrote for the love of it. For right now this is still fun. I hope it becomes just that for you again!!
Enjoy the break - come back with renewed vision of what you want your blog to be...and why you visit blogs. Having a more focused reason for visiting helped me relax when I didn't get to comment or have a time to read, etc.
Go get MORE!
check out my tuesday post...you are "it". :-)
check out my tuesday post...you are "it". :-)
I was so glad to see you this morning. I have stayed away so as to give you time together with no interruptions.
Blessings to you today!!
Lots of good advice . . . as you can see, many of us have been there a time or two.
I had to scale way, way back. And it really upset me at first because I was missing some of my favorite bloggers.
Over time I've figured out what I can do to create balance. And, I'm also slowly defining the purpose of my blog and what I'm doing as a blogger, a writer.
If you want to talk (about this and what I did . . . ) please feel free to e-mail (laskigal AT gmail DOT com).
Take care, you! And enjoy that beautiful baby girl--they are only small for so long . . .
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