Mommy: What does that say?
Esmé: Esmé!!
Mommy: Yeah! Good job!
Esmé (16 months) carefully scribbles with same bathtub crayon.
Mommy: What are you writing?
Esmé: Esmé!!
Of course! Why couldn't Mommy figure that one out?!
With a daddy, a grandpa, and an oupa in the house now, things are a little noisier than they have been for the past few weeks. During one conversation, Esmé had her ears covered with her hands, ignoring us and chattering away to herself. Sometimes you just need to focus on your own thing, you know.
A couple of new words this week:
- Spoon - as in "Where's my spoon? Oh, I am sitting on it! Look, Mommy, I can sit on my spoon!"
- Ocean - as in "I see the ocean! Yeah! I love the beach!"
- Bird - as in "I know what a bird is! They fly in the sky (pointing up)! And there's one in that picture!"
- Pray - as in "Aren't we going to pray now? You just put me in my high chair." Never mind that grace was said for the whole group a little bit ago.
With all the skateboarding and table tennis and beach and everything else that's been going on, here is a photo of Miss Esmé all tuckered out, sunglasses and remote control in hand.

Yea! She has beauty and the remote control! Good girl. haha
Have a blessed day, Esme.
What more could a girl need?
dear sweet esme,
i just love you from far, far away... you are so smart, and i cannot wait to see you skateboarding!!! have you learned any new tricks???
i hope you and your family has a lovely day:)
Such a sweet picture! Does she wear the sunglasses or just hold them? Little Elvis adores my sunglasses, but will not let us put a pair on him.
Darling post, darling girl
So sweet! I love it!
my goodness what a sweet picture!
whenever i pop by your blog i am amazed by how much older than 16 mo. esme seems...perhaps its because i'm in denial of the fact that my little one will be that big in just another 4 months!
Precious photo, LOL. And a monkey song sounds like fun!
what a beautiful child!! Great picture!
She is beautiful. That is so cute her in the bath.
Awww, that picture on the couch is so cute.
What a sweetheart. :) We just recently learned monkey and pray in our house too. :)
OH, that is just the cutest photo! I love that she says she is writing her name. What a sweetheart.
Awww... this brought such a smile to my face reading this. Kids are so sweet. Great picture!
What a pretty picture she is adorable!
She's so cute! I love her snuggled up on the couch there.
Wow! She is one amazing little girl!!!
How blessed you are...she is a doll. :)
Aww, I can just 'hear' her saying monkey. So cute!
too cute! I love that age.
That's exactly how I've been feeling this week.
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