Thursday, November 29, 2007

Birthday Party!

I went to Christian's 1st birthday party on Sunday! Mommy and I made a card and wrapped up a football for him – the tissue paper tasted really good! There were lots of kids there and balloons and a cool puppy dog cake that I didn't get to eat. I played with some 9-month-old triplet girls and snitched some of their cookies while Mommy & Daddy weren't watching, so at least I got some party loot. Then I played at the kiddie pool where there were three naked little boys running around. My cousins were at the party, too, and tried to keep me entertained and in line some of the time. For my part, I try to run everybody ragged. It's a tough job!

On Tuesday Mommy and I went to the Singing Group. I haven't been there in a long time – since I was 3 months old. There are other mommies and babies there, and we sing songs like the Silly Monkeys and Old McDonald and Twinkle Twinkle Little Star. I like playing with the bigger kids (and trying to eat their food). Mommy likes knowing she's not the only crazy person in the world and that other people have babies and speak English, too. Everyone was impressed when I took the circle shape and put it into the circle hole of the shape toy. Then I took the triangle shape and put it into my mouth.

On Wednesday Mommy, Daddy, and I went to Bella and Joshua's house. Bella brought out almost ALL her toys for me to taste. I decided that rice cakes, which I used to like, are about the same taste and texture as woven drink coasters – maybe the coaster is a little tastier.

This week I have been practicing standing and am starting to cruise on furniture a little. Today Mommy laughed at me when I fell on my bottom and toppled over while cruising. It was very upsetting. At least she apologized afterwards.

I have also been practicing my counting, since Mommy is filling payroll envelopes this week. I know there are five 200 notes in 1,000 – that one is easy. So we count to five lots of times.