Every day when I pick Esmé up from school, it’s a task to figure out what kind of animal she is. Never a human, of course. One time she “had” a white cobra head (only with a grey tongue instead of pink) with fangs, horse legs, powerful white Pegasus wings, white lion tail, and a spirally grey and white horn (with a sharp tip) sprouting out of her forehead. Fortunately this particular breed of animal is adept at walking on its hind legs. Usually she’s something more usual, like a 3-toed sloth or a magical puppy that can turn into a cat. And if I promise her a worthy treat, I can get her to walk on her hind legs to the car. Though she seems to like the attention she gets while crawling (and meowing) through the school halls.
Sometimes her animal acts go beyond the imagination into actual props: tails and such. So I figured this book, The Little Girl Who Wanted A Tail, would be right up her alley.

You never know when I might play a wild card on you!
She carries forward a family tradition of artistic innovation, as the granddaughter of renowned jazz pianist and vibraphonist Buddy Montgomery, and grandniece of legendary jazz guitarist Wes Montgomery and bassist Monk.
Formally with the girls group Emage, she recorded an album with PolyGram / Mercury Records In addition, she has recorded or shared the stage with Oscar winner Jamie Foxx, The Backstreet Boys, Blacksheep, and Buddy Montgomery. Mykah’s musical compositions received rave reviews in the UK and Japan, which peaked at #7 in just 2 weeks after its release. Her executive produced debut album, ME & U, can be found on ITunes, Amazon.com, or mylaanent.com.

She loves hearing from her readers at mylaanent@yahoo.com or mykah@mylaanent.com.
Song available @ http://mylaanent.com/product/different/ iTunes and Amazon.com
Visit the author's website.

With bullying and mean behavior running rampant in our communities, it is important that our children are taught a code of conduct that promotes love, acceptance, and respect for themselves and others.
Product Details:
List Price: $21.99
Paperback: 28 pages
Publisher: XLIBRIS (September 20, 2012)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1479716685
ISBN-13: 978-1479716685:
AND NOW...THE FIRST PAGES (Click on pictures to enlarge):
I like this book! It is about being yourself and not worrying about what other people think of you. I like it because it teaches a good lesson.
I am going to start my own business tomorrow. I am going to make a big banner for the stands I will set up in front of the house. I will sell things. At one stand, I’ll sell shampoo. At another stand, I’ll sell body paint. And there will be a drink stand, for lemonade, smoothies, and chocolate milk.
Mom’s Review
As Esmé said, this book has a great point! It’s about not worrying about what others think, not letting their laughter deter you from being yourself. And even more, it’s about sharing your uniqueness in a way that blesses others, as Millie turns her “weirdness” into a business venture that draws similar-minded customers. Millie’s prayer sums it up: “Dear God above, thank you for loving me as I am, and I promise to be me, but with You holding my hand.”
Simple but colorful illustrations fit the storyline well. The text is formatted as prose, but is mostly in rhyme for an interesting read aloud.
There is a bit of a “rough” feel to the book; as if it could be polished a bit in both editing and design. However, I love how very much Esmé can relate to the storyline and the message that she gets from it.
In summary, The Little Girl Who Wanted A Tail will no doubt continue be a favorite of Esmé’s and is already inspiring her to share her uniqueness with others…
Your daughter is awesome! Thank you for sharing The Little Girl Who Wanted at Tail with your network, Jane.
Be blessed and feel free to stay in touch.
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