Friday, October 11, 2013

Friday Fragment: All Alone!?

Original posted January 27, 2008

Mommy Dearest here: This isn't a blog debating the pros and cons of a family bed – every parent can decide the best option for himself. To set the record straight, it was never my intention to have baby sleep in the big bed. But for many reasons, some legitimate, Esme has been mostly sleeping in our bed for the last 4 or 5 months.

And cuddling up next to such a sweet little snuggler at bedtime has its perks. Even waking up to her pokes and prods starts the day off with a smile.

But the last couple of months have become increasingly painful as Esme has "regressed" in some ways, like waking up three times a night for a snack, made very easy since her food source is right there next to her. Even more painful is the fact that she now refuses to sleep in her crib even for naps. And since the bed isn't childproof by any means, that means someone has to be with her 24/7, even during the "non-bonding" moments while she is asleep. So when is Mommy supposed to get anything done? Even showering has become a challenge again as Esme tries to climb in with me and cries when the soapy water hits her eyes.

... [click here to read the rest]