Friday, June 22, 2012

Friday Fragments…

Is anyone else as frustrated with Firefox as I am right now?  NOTHING seems to be working right.

And my computer has been restarting itself almost every day lately with updates for one software or another.  It’s a conspiracy amongst the software greats, I think.

It is raining.  It is going to be raining tomorrow.  And absolutely everyone has a party or picnic of some kind going on tomorrow.  We’re trying to fit in a half dozen.  The rain should help…

Speaking of rain, Miss Esmé is doing computer school today.  No tea party picnics.  HER computer is doing just fine – but then, she’s using IE, not FF.  On the “educational” lineup:

  • Adventures from the Book of Virtues:  Compassion video (free on YouTube)
  • Studyladder (free trial – Esmé did a nice variety of subjects this morning, as well as spending reward money fixing up her virtual room)
  • Moshi Monsters (some free games; Esmé played in her virtual garden – we’ve got their Bobble Bots)
  • Sylvan Dell ebooks (playing for the last two hours; Little Miss can’t get enough.  She’s a “cute critter” fanatic.  I figure it’s educational.  And books are books, whether online or paper, right?)
  • IXL Math
  • KinderBach piano
  • Summer Fit extension activities

I’d really like something kid-friendly and FREE on the topic of Mother Teresa.  Any suggestions?

On a cheery note, this little deer is doing just fine.  She decided to take a shut-eye in our orchard yesterday, which was all fine and dandy (we don’t have any tomato plants this year).Deer

But she didn’t act scared enough! 

I was sure she must be injured – we live on a fairly busy highway.  I got within arm’s length of her, and she didn’t move.  So I did the research (she’s NOT a fawn), hubby called wildlife rescue and everything.  And THEN she decided enough of my nonsense, picked herself up, and gracefully leaped across the fence into the neighbor’s yard.

Alrighty then – gotta move on to other fun things and rescue those cute little critters on Sylvan Dell’s ebook site.  I’ll check back in with you all later… :)