Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Review: Words That Rhyme With Orange CD

"Don't turn that off yet! I was listening to that song!"

That's what I hear almost every time I stop the car and try to get Esmé out.

Esmé's Mommy here, reviewing the "Words That Rhyme With Orange" music CD by Ross King, for ages 2-12.

34-mo-old Esmé is really into music these days. Even when a song is done, the refrain seems to keep going and going and going - and you realize it's coming out of her mouth...

So it's nice to have a change from the standard nursery rhymes with some really kid-friendly music! Stuff that's catchy AND teaches, as well! Serious and fun, all in one bundle... A slight shift from Ross King's Christian music, but uplifting all the same.

Check out the back cover for a song list:
My personal favorite? If I Wasn't So Cute (I'd drive my mama crazy). And Esmé totally gets Learning My Alphabet.

Here are some lyrics from No More Whining:
You have bad days, sad days, make you mad days,
You don’t get your way
You wanna cry and lose your temper
You gotta stop, and smile, and try to remember...

No one likes the sound of whining,
Whining makes you want to plug your ears and run away
Everything sounds better when you’re smiling
So no more whining today.

You can buy this CD for $12 at Ross King Music. It's also available in MP3 format at Amazon.

Note: Ross King Music is independent and “self-produced, which means this product in only available online and not in stores.

Thanks to Ross King for the review CD, and to MamaBuzz for organizing the review tour. You can check MamaBuzz for more reviews of this product!

Oh yeah - here's a sneak peek: the first 20 seconds of one of his songs - in cartoon format!


ShEiLa said...

This sounds like an awesome kids CD. I looked at the song list...
and saw...
if I wasn't so cute.
Instant smile.
All the little crumb snatchers would be gone if they didn't have any redeeming value... but they do.

No more whining sounds like one I wish my kids would have heard... maybe its not too late.


Unknown said...

We love this CD too! Hope you are enjoying your Millions of Snowflakes book! Mr. Smiley and Mr. Me-Too are working on your February book reading right now!

sheila said...

Sounds awesome but....I'm so glad my kids are older. :)

Pamela said...

I'll have to check it out for my grands. I know that my daughters still know the lyrics to a silly crazy LP they had 30 years ago...

Texasholly said...

That sounds like so much fun!

Anonymous said...

Thanks! This helped a bunch! I've seen a couple
rather confusing websites lately, this cleared up some confusion I had.