Skimboarder bebe at Tofo Beach

Now for the wordful part of this post, by Esmé's Mommy.
Some time ago I wrote about a woman who frequently comes to our gate, requesting things for her school-age daughter (the second character in this post). A couple of months ago she requested a somewhat large sum of money, stating that if she could invest in inventory for her own produce stand, then she would never need to ask us for anything again.
We asked for a business plan, and she had someone write up a budget of sorts for her, so we gave her a business loan. She came at the end of the first month to show us how she had done and make her first payment. Then the end of September came, and she never showed up. We weren't too surprised.
Yesterday she came back. Her older daughter, who had two little boys, had been killed in a tragic accident two blocks from here on September 22nd. With no father in the picture, grandma is now the primary caretaker. She brought with her a copy of the obit and the registry certificate for the two boys, and I have eyewitnesses to the accident, so I'm not questioning the story at all.
Needless to say, all inventory and all funds have been used up. This is so heartbreakingly frustrating, and all too common. What to do?
She didn't ask for money, but she did request food, so I put together a box for her. But it won't go far. What is the solution, folks?
This is so heartbreaking; I don't know what the solution is, don't know what I can do other than pray from half the world away, and I am sorry for the innefectual words.
Yes, heartbreaking.
Oh, how I wish there were a solution...
I love what you did with this woman though, giving from your hearts in such a responsible way (asking to see a business plan). Yes, her situation changed drastically, but that doesn't mean it didn't matter. No way.
Peace to you,
I really don't know what I would do. I'm glad you're giving her some food.
I wish I had a good answer. That story is overwhelming... wow. It leaves me speechless... but pondering.
does heifer international do anything in your area, j??? i was just wondering if she had something that could "keep on giving" (a milk cow, goat, or the such... so that she could sell the products from its production), that maybe she could become self sufficient???
not knowing the area, my thought may have just given you a big laugh:)
but, what does one do???
Wow, how sad.
i hate to say that i have no solution either. just to pray for some big, big changes in this world. because it feels like things are completely out of balance right now...
I'm so sorry! I don't know how you continue to be so strong in the face of so much heartbreak. you got me thinking about how we might be in this type of situation way too often once we move overseas. I need to ponder this one. Giving food was definitely a good move....will certainly meet a specific and immediate need you know they have. I have been taken advantage before in circumstances similar to this. It BUMMED me out but I had to surrender my guilt and frustration and know I gave it with the right intentions and pray that God would give me wisdom and use my heart and deeds to His glory.
So sad for everyone :( I'm so glad she really did try to pay back the loan and show you that she didn't default due to negligence. But so, so sad :(
I cannot imagine having to deal with a tragedy like that. I'm just speechless.
It's Blog Action Day and the theme is Poverty. I've asked for donations using PayPal and Moneybookers toward this lady's cause over at my blog - let's hope we can make a difference collectively! :-)
My heart goes out to her. I will donate to Michell's cause!!
I do not know either everybody has problem of his own this day..
Oh my goodness. What a heartbreaking situation, and to have to be one that makes such a choice would give me ulsers. I don't know how you do it.
I think these photos of Esme are some of my favorite!
Your pictures are darling.
I'm wondering if there is a way to get this woman in contact with an organization like Samaritan's Purse or James Robison's Life Today. I do know that both of those organizations are literally sending out 'business' coaches to help develop sustainable income and education. I'll see if there is some one close to the area--
Love the donation idea over at Michelle's--
Great pics.
Though i'm not sure about your predicament. The food giving is always good but i would refrain from giving money. Perhaps there is some mentoring you can give and advise on care agencies she can go to - even take her to some and represent her.
sad - heartbreaking -
great photos!
The pictures are great but the story is so sad..
My prayers and well wishes are being sent out..
Oh god... That's so... I don't even know what to say...
Sadly solutions don't come with the rain... The solution would be to help her out as long as you could... Or try to talk to other people that can and want to help... Maybe start a fund or something... But is always so much easier to talk... Do stuff is another story... :(
Beautiful photos. Such a sad story. Are there others in the community who could provide a job, lend a hand with childcare, help out with food for awhile? A Church group perhaps? Never any easy answers in situations like this. I'll add them to my prayers
First of all - very cute pictures! Second of all...that story is too heartbreaking. I wish there was more we, you, I, anyone could do for both her and all the others who are struggling along, because we all know she is not the only one...Sigh. I hate it when problems seemingly have no good solutions - it's a good thing God's in control though and that it's not me trying to run the world!!
Your kindnesses to the woman will help her and her family heal after losing her daughter. I guess you just have to do what you feel in your heart.
I love the pictures of Esme, and it reminds me of a previous picture you posted of her being pulled on a board across the shore. It makes me want to get a board for my boy! He would love it.
my goodness. what can you do? i think you're a Godsend being there for her. It's so horrible and tragic that things like this have to happen, but it's so wonderful that there are selfless people willing to go to such lengths to help. whatever you do, i am sure they will be thankful.
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