Saturday, September 29, 2007

Another Church

We went to a church dedication at Khongolote. I got to be part of the "Pass the Baby" game for the first time. This means someone takes me from Mommy and holds me for a while, then passes me on to someone else. This goes on until I cry and Mommy comes to rescue me. In about ten minutes it starts again. It is interesting to meet lots of people, but I like knowing Mommy is right there if I need her.

Then I decided I needed to eat during the service, so we went to the truck. There were too many kids around for me to concentrate on my meal for very long, so we "held court" and entertained the kids from my "throne" in the truck. Mommy and I made faces and played games with my monkey puppet. Every so often the truck alarm would go off and scare the kids away for a few seconds.

After the service Mommy passed out stickers to the kids. It's a good thing Daddy had me then, or I would have been crushed or stampeded on!